Women center manager's and DM's


Least Best Moderator
Staff member

I am sorry about my post showing up multiple times. Most people who know me understand that I am technologically challanged. Hopefully, I will figure out what I am doing wrong so that this does not happen again.



I took care of it before I read down this far.:tongue_sm


Well-Known Member
My center was famous for breaking in new Center Managers and more than a couple were women. They showed up always expecting to prove they deserved the job, and some of them did okay after they became realistic. Usually, if a center has some decent drivers, it largely runs fairly well because those of us on the street were good at what we do.


Well-Known Member
We had a female center manager for about 2 1/2 yrs, most center manager's only average 2 yrs in our center. I have to say she was horrible, came from IE with this attitude that she was going to change the world (center). The only thing she changed was the ERI score which went from around 70% in favor to a new record of 18% when they sent her to work on PAS. I am not sure why she lasted so long but it was the worst time in my 18 yrs with UPS.


Well-Known Member

Coming from a female, you'd think that mgmt styles are either good or bad, regardless of gender. And in my book, being respectful to ones employees ranks right up there. But I’ve seen more ruthless Leona Helmsleys in this company than you could shake a stick at.

Give me a male boss any day. At least they’re predictable. I’ve yet to see a man turn psycho and storm into a restroom yanking someone out of a stall, or deny an employee FMLA because it contained a special clause that didn't apply to "UPS", or pride himself on his ability to make someone cry, or smuggingly castrate a male subordinate in front of God and everybody.

Perhaps because the transportation industry is male dominated (?), these dictator dragon ladies with their macho attitudes take themselves way too seriously and need to realize that this unspeakable behavior is counter productive and there are way too many problems in a work day already without creating additional insults and hurdles to toss at their employees.
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Well-Known Member
We have had 2 women center managers and one women DM and they are all horible. I am speaking of opinion only not only because of their gender. I was all for women management but after having them, I a was wrong. Acually last center manager was better than this new center manager. This really feels like reverse discrimination even though many men /drivers don't really want more pressure than they already have. I do have a slight problem taking orders from women anyway and I'm not sure exactly why. It is almost like working for your mother in a way. Whining always expecting more and if you talk back she gives you a slap. I personally feel that they don't belong in management. I do believe for the most part women have more compassion than men do by nature but in business this doesn't help us much anyway. You would think having a WOMEN CENTER, DIVISION MANAGER should and would possibly say hay "give these men a break and work them 8 hours everyday so they can stay married to their wives and come home and return to work not burnt out" but as you know it is not like that. Doesn't matter if we made $3 or $50 an hour we would still have these 12 hour loads or better. All in ALL I don't trust management women and they are not good for this company! One last thing it seems that every WOMEN MANAGER walk out of the building at 5 pm everyday!!!!!!!!!How nice!!

Harley Rider

34 yrs & done!
Never had a woman center manager/DM before. However I did have a woman oncar supervisor. Got along pretty well so I married her. We will be married 12 years in October. :laugh:


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't know the difference between a woman and a man center manager or DM. Mainly because I have no clue what center manager's and DM's do. I think I spoke to a DM once and very rarely speak to center manager's.


Well-Known Member
We had (what I thought) a future center manager. She transfered here from some where else. She was on top of the game. Well she left UPS about 2 weeks ago to do something completely different . So here we are (again) without an on road supervisor.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
:thumbup1:I started with the company when it was all men in operations. I personally believe that women have had it extremely tough and challenging. It takes tremendous courage to do a "man's job". I have tremendous respect for women at UPS. I have personally worked side by side or for women and have found that women are generally more understanding to their people's needs than men are. But just like any job there are good folks and there are poor folks. Unfortunately for women, anyone that does not do the job well is used as an example for the rest of the gender. It simply is not fair or right. I have personally worked with and for a district manager that is a women and is in the heartland of America right now. She survived some enormous odds. I remember her as a supervisor, manager, division manager and now
a district manager. You would be lucky to work with or for her.

...She is only one example:thumbup1::thumbup1:


Well-Known Member
So, let me get this straight. Every time someone complains about management, you are talking about females?


Heavy Weight
It seems funny to me that so many guys, who self identify as straight, can be so hateful towards women. Many don't accept the caring relationship between two people of the same gender and yet your posts reflect undying love and devotion..... to your male superiors.

Harley Rider

34 yrs & done!
Was your wife asked to leave the company as a result of you being married or did you?

We dated on the sly for a couple of years and then got lucky when the buyout occurred. She took it and then we got married. We were told by one of her best friends that was a center manager at the time that UPS had paid a large settlement to two management employees they fired after finding out they had married. We thought about letting them fire her but she didn't want the hassle. She was a 21 year employee.


Well-Known Member
Just curious how many people here have a female center manager or division manager. How do you feel they compare to men who have been in their same position? I've dealt with a couple women division managers that were pure hell on wheels... Is this the general attitude and personalities of most women at their level? Any thoughts?

Probably the same way as female and male drivers compare.

Everyone has their own work ethics, knows what is expected of them to get their job done.

Same management training, just a matter of how it is applied to the job. As with any position at UPS.


is not a woman
I like my center manager. I try harder every day just to make her happy. My center has fewer problems than before. All my supervisors respect her. what do you think if Clinton will become the president?