Browncafe Steward
You would get paid 40 minutes at time and a half for being over 9.5.Another weakness in the 9.5 language is that the Tripple Time "penalty pay" applies only to the minutes worked over 9.5, and isn't really tripple time at all. It's only time-and-a-half. You already got paid time-and-a-half for all your overtime hours when you worked them. The grievance will get you an additional time-and-a-half, which combined, makes tripple time. At least, that's what I've read. Can anyone confirm this?
Your right! You receive time and a half for all minutes/hours worked over 9.5.
I'm also wondering how many over-9.5 hours in the workweek you would be paid for. For example, suppose you have a history of working over 9.5 against your will and so you are now entitled to begin filing grievances. In this week you work nine hours and forty minutes each on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Friday you work a minute less than 9.5.
Assuming you actually get the tripple time pay, how many minutes/hours would you get? Just ten minutes for Thursday? Forty minutes for Monday thru Thursday? Or what? Does anyone know?
Here management screws you two days on purpose just because they are pissed that we file. And it always comes back to bite them .To much volume on friday, ie makes them bust a route, you have to do extra pick ups.
Evey 9.5 i have filed for the drivers has been paid, minus the warning grievance of course. I have file hundreds of 9.5s. Everyone has been paid!