Working over 9.5


Staff member
I will say that, at least around here, 9.5 is not a major problem because management seems heel bent on eliminating it. You just whisper 9.5 and I swear an alarm must go off in the DM's office. I can't even get enough instances to have my name put on the list, much less file an actual grievance.


Well-Known Member
The only way I work less than 50 hours per week is if I take a day off. I think the recession has not caught on in N Texas yet, we're just not big fans of recessions around here.:wink2:


Well-Known Member
LOL not quiet, but most people have just sold their rights to gas mining companies.

Our booming industry here are windmills. People are granting easements on their property in return for annual payments, rumored to be around $10K per. Some have more than one windmill. Of course, you have the NIMBY groups so the windmills seem to be going up in the less economically viable areas (was that politically correct enough?).


Well-Known Member
They say here if you file 9.5 grievance here you must say it is ok for 3 day ride and talk to div mgr on on conf call

I know in my center, they do not have enough time nor supervisors to enforce something so ridiculous. It seems to me that this would cost the company more money than just paying the dang grievances.