Worst Insurrection Ever


Well-Known Member
He makes stuff up and expects everyone to go along with it on a daily basis. He gets butthurt when called out about it too 🤣
How is responding being "butthurt?" Unlike your liberal media outlets the conservative ones I follow actually showed the released footage of the Capitol Police firing rubber bullets into the crowd. Your Jan 6th Commission cut that out of the narrative. Not for nothing they were adamantly opposed to McCarthy releasing the footage(and Johnson releasing all of it). It showed they were lying and manipulating the public with one intended purpose, get Trump. I would think as a staunch defender of the Constitution you would abhor the Commission's tactics. Surely you don't approve of keeping the public in the dark about what really happened that day in hopes of keeping Trump out of office?


Inordinately Right


Well-Known Member
Treason and insurrection is serious business.
Your president is allowing millions to enter the country illegally. Not making any effort to stop them and even suing Texas to stop them from trying to stop the illegal flow. He's betrayed his Constitutional duty to protect the country with secure borders. Y'all scream Trump all day long yet there's not one thing Trump did that remotely resembles what Biden is doing on the border. And we already know Biden took millions from our adversaries through his son and brother. Trump was too lenient on crooks in government last time. I hope the Republican DOJ arrests and prosecutes every last person involved in the border fiasco and the swamp corruption. Amazingly you've got Democratic mayors screaming about all the illegals yet you'll pass it off as no big deal. You're damn right, treason is serious business.
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