I'm not really fond of spiders but I don't "scream like a seven year old girl" if I see one either. Snakes don't bother me at all--probably because Minnesota has only one little tiny corner of the state down in the very south east section where they have a few timber rattlers. Other that that there are NO poisonous snakes in Mn. If you want to see snakes just visit a cemetery on a warm day. I see a couple dozen of them most every time I mow---and I don't run over them. If it wasn't for snakes you would be up to your armpits in mice. We have lots of garden snakes and bull snakes also known as blow snakes. The bull snakes look just like a cobra when they are on the defense. They coil up, stand up and make a loud hissing noise. They also have a head that flares out like a cobras and can really get your attention. I had a baby bull snake about 6 inches long one time go into his cobra routine---it was quite comical. The big ones can make your heart skip a beat.