Well-Known Member
What about the 50 in 100 to make book?? (increased from 30 in 60) .
english for a NEWb please. thanks
What about the 50 in 100 to make book?? (increased from 30 in 60) .
english for a NEWb please. thanks
That is true Hazmatman. The new hires in your district will not be eligable for the pension that you have. They are required to work 50 work days in a 100 day work period to make book. A 100 work day period is equal to about 5 months. I see, and I am sure you will agree, how they play with the new hires now, can you imagine what they will do to them after(Oct-December dont count). The new hire will also not receive the coffee bonus we all get for working after 8 1/2 hours. Haz, are you going to the Hall on the 14th?
Why didn't Hoffa push for an increase in part-time pay, why did Hoffa agree on the split raise? (half in August and half in February) What about the 50 in 100 to make book?? (increased from 30 in 60) Seems to me like UPS threw garbage on the table and Hoffa took it, seems like HE screwed the Teamsters more than UPS did.
I agree if the stipulations are true this wholeI say NO! I've been a driver for 22 years (local 804) and this is the worst yet! A Split raise? You got to be kidding. UPS should be ashamed of them selves and the union too for even considering this. No increase in our pension! That means at the end of this proposed contract we will have gone 11 years without an increase. This is all give backs. The company is making out big time if this passes. You have to realize UPS is making money hand over fist. It's not like they're bleeding red ink. Let the workers get their fair share. I'm voting no! Let them go back to the table and negotiate something thats fair!!
Would someone please inform me why this site is accepting advertising from '"?? It is a union bashing website run by some corporate shill named Rick Berman...a rightwing lobbyist who has built his lavish career establishing industry funded FRONT GROUPS for the tobacco industry, pesticide companies, lobbying against the Americans with Disabilities Act , against increasing the minimum wage...Berman was also tied to Newt (that piece of ****) Gingrich and his anti-worker , anti-union political action committee in the 1990s. He basically smears the labor movement while trying to convince workers that they would be better off with no representation at all!! The FACT IS: workers belonging to unions enjoy higher wages and better benefits than non-union jobs in similar fields...Sorry for going off on this rant... but we are talking about the future of OUR OWN UNION on this site here...and it just pissed me off!!
Why the big secret? Why dont the Teamsters just put the contract on the web to dispell rumors? Why all the hush-hush?