I'm still waiting to find out what the details of the new contract are.
Are you in a hole somewhere?? Nobody has told you anything about the contract??? How they want to screw us with a bad contract!!! VOTE NO AMY!!!!!!!!
I'm still waiting to find out what the details of the new contract are.
Not sure yet 804, It's an hour and a half drive from my house.
I don't think your presence is needed to change the contract, but if you are needing to make an informed decision, it's in your best interest to show up. Of course, you could just believe the rumors and vote any way you want to. In the end, it's your choice.Sorry 804 if it's the one out on the Island it will take me a little more than 2 hours to get there. Travel time 4 hours for a 1 hour meeting just doesn't make sense to me. Plus, i'm sure my presence won't change the contract.
UPS is one of the best blue collar jobs in America! Top salary is onver $28 per hour, for full-timers. The waiting list for full time jobs in most places is 5 years and 15 years to be a feeder driver. Take a look around you! You guys have it better than most! The Teamsters have also hobbled your #1 competitor fedex ground in California, and up coming in many other states. The 3 year wage progression is pretty standard. A guy with experience is worth more than a guy without. A part timer gets a 25% raise after 90 days? Is that really unfair? This web sight should be called the disgruntled browncafe.
I don't think your presence is needed to change the contract, but if you are needing to make an informed decision, it's in your best interest to show up. Of course, you could just believe the rumors and vote any way you want to. In the end, it's your choice.
I'm voting no regardless......
New Brown Cafe Member here - howdy folks
I hate to make my first post this way but frankly I'm stunned. I'm reading so much anger and frustration over information that hasn't even been released yet. I'm not so naive to think that there aren't agendas by certain people in the way they post but some others really need to take a step back and "listen" to what is being posted and what they are saying. How can anyone, in good conscience, make a decision on his or her vote at this moment in time?
The original poster has put out information which may or may not be correct in it's entirety or in part - I certainly believe we owe it to ourselves and to each other to tone it down a bit until the facts present themselves. Whatever your opinions about the Teamsters or Hoffa or UPS may be need to be put aside so a rational decision making process can take over. I have my own opinions about UPS, about The Teamsters, about Hoffa, about TDU, etc. However, I will try very hard to make an objective decision - one that will benefit me and my family as well as everyone else that works for the company. If I believe the contract is fair given present circumstances then I will vote yes - If I believe the contract will hurt us then I will vote no. However I will NOT base any decision on "vaporware facts".
My 2 cents - for now![]()
UPS is one of the best blue collar jobs in America! Top salary is onver $28 per hour, for full-timers. The waiting list for full time jobs in most places is 5 years and 15 years to be a feeder driver. Take a look around you! You guys have it better than most! The Teamsters have also hobbled your #1 competitor fedex ground in California, and up coming in many other states. The 3 year wage progression is pretty standard. A guy with experience is worth more than a guy without. A part timer gets a 25% raise after 90 days? Is that really unfair? This web sight should be called the disgruntled browncafe.
don't worry, you guys will replace the feeder department in a few years and do it for much less.
What happens when the existing employees bid up/retire/quit? Their replacements have to come from somewhere. It affects me very much because since I've started, I've seen about an 800% turnover rate. In fact, our seniority list hasn't been updated in a long time because no one has stuck around long enough to make seniority. Everyone has to do nearly twice the work we normally do since we quite literally have half the people we need. We're already getting slammed with volume much higher than normal, and we're severely understaffed, so when a newbie comes in, they get dumped into a very hectic situation and don't receive the training they should because all of our supervisors are working as well. Then they take home their $180 and decide that the Burger King down the road is a better idea since they're starting people at $9-$11 and provide a half-decent benefits package.
Fact We still make the most money out of all truck drivers
Fact the econ. sucks
Fact we are loosing ground againest our compeditor so fill out a lead card
Fact our Health coverage is better then most in this country
Fact our boss is not breathing down our neck all day
Fact when we get bored at a stop just shut the door and drive away
Fact if you hate your job leave Life is to short
Hey mnmoe...
fact is: gas prices are up, mortgage prices are up, food,etc
fact is: 30 cent raise on aug 1
fact is: ups profitted $4.2 BILLION in 2006...8.6% more than in 05
fact is: we get less than 3% ...THAT sucks my friend
fact is: eskew made $6.2 MILLION last yr...up from a measly $3.1 in 05
fact is: ups stock hasnt moved much??huh..why reward eskew ??
fact is: we do bring in leads everyday
fact is: manangement cant seem to manage to hook'm
fact is: that this country doesnt have a national health plan is a sin
fact is: the diad board IS THE BOSS DOWN OUR NECK
fact is: im proud of the work i do, but not so much for ups corporate greedy culture