I have been pretty much quarantined because my dog, (I know crazy dog lady) She just had major surgery on the 27th. Started having issues beginning of March. I quit my pt gig the 28th of March, so I could get her the care she deserved. Her vet got ill, non covid, so I had to find a new vet took forever to get in...I could not imagine having to work, and trying to juggle time for vet appts, etc, and grandkids, while working. And we all know how good UPS is for giving time off.... Went to 4 different vets, 4 differing opinions.. Finally found a country large animal vet. An hour away. 2 said cancer, of those two said euthanize. This guy was very conservative, said we will do this, and go from there. The other 3 were woman vets so....I liked the guy. after a month on antibiotics and coq10 she sailed through surgery, came home with drains, etc. Cannot wear the cone of shame. Took out 9 tumors, none were cancer, and I have to give her the pain meds to keep her down. Shes like 2 yrs old again. She is 12. But for three and a half months, she has needed eyes on 24/7..bleeding tumors... If I were still working I probaly would have put her down. Everything happens for a reason.
Sorry I know this isnt a dog thread. But this is why I love retirement, and besides hating the job the last few years, I wanted time with her, and my family. and I had to share my news somewhere, Lol.. Pretty soon I can go for bike rides and walks again, and go hiking in the woods with my best friend. A real mod can delete if not appropriate. Cheers