1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
Why not in all cases?

You don't believe the person inside is a person. So why any restriction?
I believe at the time you have a functioning heart, brain activity, a nervous system that registers pain, then it's too late to abort. A mother discovers her little girl has been molested by her boyfriend, rushes her down to the hospital, there should be a procedure available to either prevent pregnancy or terminate a pregnancy. But what we're talking about is a very small percentage of the abortions that go on. I will never support people engaging in casual, risky, or any other kind of sex while depending on abortion to get them out of a situation they don't want to be in.


Well-Known Member
I believe at the time you have a functioning heart, brain activity, a nervous system that registers pain, then it's too late to abort. A mother discovers her little girl has been molested by her boyfriend, rushes her down to the hospital, there should be a procedure available to either prevent pregnancy or terminate a pregnancy. But what we're talking about is a very small percentage of the abortions that go on. I will never support people engaging in casual, risky, or any other kind of sex while depending on abortion to get them out of a situation they don't want to be in.
Why is it ever too late to abort?


Well-Known Member
Why is it ever too late to abort?
I'm just saying if it's still in the clump of cells stage I'm willing to compromise on terminating that pregnancy. If you feel it's an independent human being at conception I understand your view and support your right to believe it. And if enough feel that way in a given state then that state won't allow abortion for any reason. I'm fine with that. But I also think quite a few states are going to make allowances for rare circumstances. Raping a 10 yr old would certainly qualify.


I'm a star
Why is it ever too late to abort?

The standard some countries use is the same one they use to determine if someone is dead, heart beat and brain function. They figure It's ok if the baby doesn't know it's entire future is being snuffed out and it can't feel the pain of being blended up and vacuumed out. I can think of at least one fatal flaw in their logic, but I can understand why they think It's a basis upon which to make such a determination.


Well-Known Member
I'm just saying if it's still in the clump of cells stage I'm willing to compromise on terminating that pregnancy. If you feel it's an independent human being at conception I understand your view and support your right to believe it. And if enough feel that way in a given state then that state won't allow abortion for any reason. I'm fine with that. But I also think quite a few states are going to make allowances for rare circumstances. Raping a 10 yr old would certainly qualify.
There is no clump of cells stage.


Well-Known Member
So when the egg and sperm unite there's an immediate shape of a head, hands, a heartbeat, brain activity? None of that starts happening until at least 6 weeks later and only at the beginning stage.
A heart and brain are clumps of cells. And so are you right now.

You were you from sperm and egg uniting. The only difference is size and functions that you gained, and now with age functions that you are losing.

Gaining functions and organs doesn't make you human. Losing functions or organs doesn't make you less human.


Well-Known Member
A heart and brain are clumps of cells. And so are you right now.

You were you from sperm and egg uniting. The only difference is size and functions that you gained, and now with age functions that you are losing.

Gaining functions and organs doesn't make you human. Losing functions or organs doesn't make you less human.
If the fetus registers no pain in any way then to me it hasn't developed enough to be an independent human. If the abortion causes pain, if there's an awareness, then it's too late IMO. YMMV


Well-Known Member
Yah, shut down any argument you can't win.
Dude, you think removal of life support when a natural death is in the process of occurring is the same as ripping limbs from people because you think they can't feel pain.

It's a joke. I don't even know how to understand an argument that stupid.

How many kids have you killed?


Well-Known Member
Dude, you think removal of life support when a natural death is in the process of occurring is the same as ripping limbs from people because you think they can't feel pain.

It's a joke. I don't even know how to understand an argument that stupid.

How many kids have you killed?
Again, I've said repeatedly to do it early enough. No limbs involved. No pain felt. You just have to characterize me that way to try and win an argument. And I've said I understand where you're coming from. I'm not going to go protest a woman's right to choose. At some point I think it's murder. For me it's just a matter of setting the line that shouldn't be crossed.