1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
  1. I just don't have every post memorized and everyone's positions written down for reference.
  2. Wrong.
    1. Where Do Americans Stand on Abortion?
    2. View attachment 453948
Oh wow, you got me there. I haven't had time to go door to door across America. Trouble with that poll is in some large states that are overwhelmingly liberal you get much more support. Do a poll in Oklahoma or Alabama. That's where you guys go wrong. You're trying to force it everywhere but it rightfully belongs to each state to decide. You got your decision in Ohio. But highly doubtful Alabama would vote the same way.


Binge Poster
You have moral ambiguity. Abortion is a specific thing we can have separate views about. There are laws governing the treatment of others in society. It's not sanctimonious to argue against the taking of the life of an unborn child and the political arena where laws are passed is exactly where it should be argued. To say we make a big show about unborn children but don't care about life elsewhere sounds pretty judgemental to me. Are you referring to the loss of life in Gaza? Israel has put up with constant attacks for decades. They finally said enough after this most brutal attack. It's terrible that those kids are caught in the crossfire. But what's the answer? Wouldn't be happening if that attack by Hamas didn't happen and Israel is making sure it never happens again.

You are right that many wars are started over greed. Sometimes wars are just. How many children died in Allied bombings of Germany in WWII? Should the Allies have let the Germans continue to kill millions, including Jewish children in gas chambers, or should they have done what was necessary to stop evil?
I don’t know.
I don’t know.


Inordinately Right

View attachment 453949
Not abortion in general, but pill specific:

View attachment 453951
Your polls show that the radical extremist Democrat party is out of step with the American people's opinion on abortion.

And yet with the fake news media they've been able to convince the sheep that it's the Republicans who are the extremists.


Well-Known Member
Good thing you have your strong Catholic belief system and don't just go with popular opinion.

The Catholic church stands strong in its beliefs that life begins at conception, and that abortion is an abomination. :)
God, I love using Poles to decide if I should agree with something or not that’s how we should do everything right?


Well-Known Member
It’s not ok to murder a baby.

It is ok for a pregnant woman to make the tough decision to end her pregnancy and abort the fetus.
In an interview on Larry King Live, Barry Goldwater who today would be considered a GOP moderate if not a bit to the left summed up the abortion issue perfectly....."Abortion is an issue government shouldn't even be involves in".

I agree. Abortion is strictly a private matter and what course of action to be taken is a matter for the parties themselves to decide.
If the pro lifers want strict anti abortion law then they will first have to demonstrate a willingness to provide the public dollars need to shore up the nation's child welfare system even if it means a federal sales tax or federal income tax surcharge. To this point I've heard nothing of the sort out of them. It would appear that they believe that strict anti abortion laws can be done on the cheap.....It cannot.


Well-Known Member
In an interview on Larry King Live, Barry Goldwater who today would be considered a GOP moderate if not a bit to the left summed up the abortion issue perfectly....."Abortion is an issue government shouldn't even be involves in".

I agree. Abortion is strictly a private matter and what course of action to be taken is a matter for the parties themselves to decide.
If the pro lifers want strict anti abortion law then they will first have to demonstrate a willingness to provide the public dollars need to shore up the nation's child welfare system even if it means a federal sales tax or federal income tax surcharge. To this point I've heard nothing of the sort out of them. It would appear that they believe that strict anti abortion laws can be done on the cheap.....It cannot.
Barry Goldwater never saw industrialized abortion. And if a woman gets pregnant it's very much her responsibility as well as the man's to take care of that child. Not the government's. Assistance can be provided and is.

Ironic that you say government shouldn't be involved in the decision to abort but turn right around and say government should be involved in every other aspect.


Well-Known Member
Barry Goldwater never saw industrialized abortion. And if a woman gets pregnant it's very much her responsibility as well as the man's to take care of that child. Not the government's. Assistance can be provided and is.

Ironic that you say government shouldn't be involved in the decision to abort but turn right around and say government should be involved in every other aspect.
This is the same guy who thinks everything has a government solution, lol his opinion is best ignored


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
In an interview on Larry King Live, Barry Goldwater who today would be considered a GOP moderate if not a bit to the left summed up the abortion issue perfectly....."Abortion is an issue government shouldn't even be involves in".

I agree. Abortion is strictly a private matter and what course of action to be taken is a matter for the parties themselves to decide.
If the pro lifers want strict anti abortion law then they will first have to demonstrate a willingness to provide the public dollars need to shore up the nation's child welfare system even if it means a federal sales tax or federal income tax surcharge. To this point I've heard nothing of the sort out of them. It would appear that they believe that strict anti abortion laws can be done on the cheap.....It cannot.
People were different. They had morals and a sense of shame, this is largely non existent today. Anything goes today, any kind of filth and debauchery is accepted. If you don’t or can’t understand that, then you’re worse than I thought. SMH


Binge Poster
In an interview on Larry King Live, Barry Goldwater who today would be considered a GOP moderate if not a bit to the left summed up the abortion issue perfectly....."Abortion is an issue government shouldn't even be involves in".

I agree. Abortion is strictly a private matter and what course of action to be taken is a matter for the parties themselves to decide.
If the pro lifers want strict anti abortion law then they will first have to demonstrate a willingness to provide the public dollars need to shore up the nation's child welfare system even if it means a federal sales tax or federal income tax surcharge. To this point I've heard nothing of the sort out of them. It would appear that they believe that strict anti abortion laws can be done on the cheap.....It cannot.
I do not support, would I advise abortion as a solution to any unwanted pregnancy however I believe it is solely between the pregnant woman and God, as she understands God.

I support and respect her right to make this decision even if IMO it was the wrong decision. I stand in judgement of no one.


Well-Known Member
I do not support, would I advise abortion as a solution to any unwanted pregnancy however I believe it is solely between the pregnant woman and God, as she understands God.

I support and respect her right to make this decision even if IMO it was the wrong decision. I stand in judgement of no one.
Not a matter of your judgement. If nothing is actually done to restrict if not outright prevent abortion then the baby gets aborted. Not liking it but respecting her decision to end her baby's life doesn't solve anything.


Binge Poster
The because you're not willing to take a definitive stand against anything except people who want to restrict evil.
I take no definitive stand against people who want to restrict evil.

I am willing to take a definitive stand for a woman’s right to decide what she does in the event she experiences an unwanted pregnancy. I strongly believe that it is between her and the God of the Universe, as she understands Him.


Well-Known Member
I take no definitive stand against people who want to restrict evil.

I am willing to take a definitive stand for a woman’s right to decide what she does in the event she experiences an unwanted pregnancy. I strongly believe that it is between her and the God of the Universe, as she understands Him.
So you don't consider abortion evil. It's just a choice.