1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Pretty much. The life and liberty of the mother are paramount in my view.

I’d be fine with a 15 week cutoff or something thereabouts to protect the liberty of the mother as a compromise. The Republicans are committing political malpractice but letting this issue fester. People want freedom in 21st America.
Who gives a squirt about 21st America? Lol so damn it, it’s ok to murder kids in good ole 21st America. It wasn’t last century but by god it’s time to get with the times. Murder is COOL now!!

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Pretty much. The life and liberty of the mother are paramount in my view.

I’d be fine with a 15 week cutoff or something thereabouts to protect the liberty of the mother as a compromise. The Republicans are committing political malpractice but letting this issue fester. People want freedom in 21st America.
What about the life and liberty of the child? Just because he or she can’t speak for themselves doesn’t mean they are without rights.


Well-Known Member
Who gives a squirt about 21st America? Lol so damn it, it’s ok to murder kids in good ole 21st America. It wasn’t last century but by god it’s time to get with the times. Murder is COOL now!!
Then make your own country with zero abortion, no birth control and women are secondary citizens.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Republicans want to make their political decisions but get pissed off when they have repercussions.
If all republicans came to the logical conclusion that abortion in any sense is wrong, we would win these elections. But too many republicans think they should be aloud to kill babies. Dems stick together on all the issues, or at least vote like it. Conservatives stab each other in the back.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Then make your own country with zero abortion, no birth control and women are secondary citizens.
Secondary citizens? Actually I think we should train our young men how to accept responsibility if they can’t keep it in their pants!! It’s not just the woman’s fault! Lol birth control, lol like it’s a farm animal we’re trying not to have


Well-Known Member
What kind of person sacrifices their morals?
I don’t want to sacrifice morals.

The problem is you have a temper tantrum about abortion but then don’t propose any alternatives

Let’s work together on this
-make birth control cheap, free and readily available
-incentivize adoption
-greatly expand parental leave and other support to pregnant mothers so that they’re not forced back to work at eight weeks
-continue to offer support to mothers with greatly expanded day care and education assistance

I can keep on going, but you’re going to scream about liberals just wanting to spend money. And maybe that’s true. But if you truly feel that abortion is murder, then you would take any steps necessary to prevent it. The problem is, you don’t. This is just about controlling women.


Inordinately Right
Let’s work together on this
-make birth control cheap, free and readily available
-incentivize adoption
-greatly expand parental leave and other support to pregnant mothers so that they’re not forced back to work at eight weeks
-continue to offer support to mothers with greatly expanded day care and education assistance
We've already done all those things.


Well-Known Member
I don’t want to sacrifice morals.

The problem is you have a temper tantrum about abortion but then don’t propose any alternatives

Let’s work together on this
-make birth control cheap, free and readily available
-incentivize adoption
-greatly expand parental leave and other support to pregnant mothers so that they’re not forced back to work at eight weeks
-continue to offer support to mothers with greatly expanded day care and education assistance

I can keep on going, but you’re going to scream about liberals just wanting to spend money. And maybe that’s true. But if you truly feel that abortion is murder, then you would take any steps necessary to prevent it. The problem is, you don’t. This is just about controlling women.
I think Republicans in a number of states have offered compromises. Don't abort after a certain time period. Don't abort if there's a detectable heartbeat and the baby can experience pain. I may be wrong but it does seem that Democrats reject those compromises. They don't want any compromises on when a woman can choose to abort. Say she's two weeks from birth and she gets a great job offer from out of the blue. It's what she dreamed of getting before she got pregnant. Democrats want her to be able to choose to abort if she so chooses if the baby would prevent her from taking that offer. When people murder it's usually either out of anger, mental illness, or they believe they have something to gain from doing so. I can't help but believe that taking your baby's life to get that job is murder.

Politics is compromise. I don't want to see any abortions but I can accept if it's about rape and incest. I think it's likely most people of any political party can agree to that. That's not really compromise. Compromise is saying any woman can choose to abort but there are time restrictions on when they can do so. I don't see a lot of Democrats agreeing to that. As shown in this thread if a Republican says ok but by 15 weeks then some Democrats start talking about having a theocracy forced on them, women turned into slaves, etc. No willingness to compromise on an issue that is driving us apart. Comes down to how you view the sacredness of life I guess. It's just strange that a conservative Republican cares more about your baby's right to life than a liberal Democrat feels about her own child.


Binge Poster
I believe in the sanctity of life, all life, not just the unborn. Politicizing this hot button, polarizing issue seems to me disingenuous when politicians and political fanatics seem to have very little regard for life in general if it doesn’t fit their own personal or collective political or moral agenda.

Being all sanctimonious about this one issue pertaining to the sanctity of life while holding strong personal and political views that perpetuates the harm to human life in other ways all for power, retribution, control, protection of personal rights that result in loss of innocent lives, and worst of all sometimes just for money is IMO evidence that most politicians and political fanatics that fail to see the incongruity of their views lack integrity.
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Well-Known Member
I believe in the sanctity of life, all life, not just the unborn. Politicizing this hot button, polarizing issue seems to me disingenuous when politicians and political fanatics seem to have very little regard for life in general if it doesn’t fit their own personal or collective political or moral agenda.

Being all sanctimonious about this one issue pertaining to the sanctity of life while holding strong personal and political views that perpetuates the harm to human life in other ways all for power, retribution, control, protection of personal rights that result in loss of innocent lives, and worst of all sometimes just for money is IMO evidence that most politicians and political fanatics that fail to see the incongruity of their views lack integrity.
So how do you think we should feel about the taking of innocent life?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
You’re an absolute sychopath! Abortion is not murder? What is the difference in murder or killing? Maybe as parents we need to teach our children better? They don’t have to have abortions. It is not reproductive health when you kill a perfectly healthy baby. It’s called infanticide. What is the definition of life? I guess that is the question that needs to be cleared up here. Because obviously as a society we have decided that killing anyone is against the law. So when does life begin?
Abortion is not murder, but kill a pregnant woman and you’re charged with 2 murders. Strange.