1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Abortion is not murder. It’s killing. There’s a distinction.

Women will always have abortions. Either that or they will die or be maimed. We’re not going backwards. Abortions haven’t significantly dropped off since Dobbs.

Get over it. Women have agency over their reproductive health. Period. Go stamp your feet and scream at the sky all you want.
What are they “killing”? It has be alive today be killed. So you admit that you condone killing a living being. Thanks for playing.


Well-Known Member
I love you guys that clutch pearls over abortion but love guns and don’t want any restrictions on them. You talk about the sanctity of life but don’t want any restrictions on devices that take them.

Gun deaths are just abortions many trimesters later/after birth.

Like Ive said before I’m personally pro life and feel that a restriction of 16-20 weeks is reasonable. The problem is that must be paired with other unplanned pregnancy prevention measures, adoption facilitation and parental support. And Republicans don’t want to cover those.


Inordinately Right
The problem is that must be paired with other unplanned pregnancy prevention measures, adoption facilitation and parental support. And Republicans don’t want to cover those.
That's a lie.

Conservatives actively provide those services.

Democrats actively attack the pregnancy crisis organizations that provide those services and try to get them shut down.

Those are the facts.


Staff member
I love you guys that clutch pearls over abortion but love guns and don’t want any restrictions on them. You talk about the sanctity of life but don’t want any restrictions on devices that take them.

Gun deaths are just abortions many trimesters later/after birth.

Like Ive said before I’m personally pro life and feel that a restriction of 16-20 weeks is reasonable. The problem is that must be paired with other unplanned pregnancy prevention measures, adoption facilitation and parental support. And Republicans don’t want to cover those.

If Republicans were proposing what the democrats were, we'd be looking to propose a ban on the cannula that is used to vacuum the child out of the womb.

We'd probably also try to make it common sense by only banning them if they come in a matte black finish. Assault style.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
I don’t want to sacrifice morals.

The problem is you have a temper tantrum about abortion but then don’t propose any alternatives

Let’s work together on this
-make birth control cheap, free and readily available
-incentivize adoption
-greatly expand parental leave and other support to pregnant mothers so that they’re not forced back to work at eight weeks
-continue to offer support to mothers with greatly expanded day care and education assistance

I can keep on going, but you’re going to scream about liberals just wanting to spend money. And maybe that’s true. But if you truly feel that abortion is murder, then you would take any steps necessary to prevent it. The problem is, you don’t. This is just about controlling women.
How am I for controlling women? I am simply against helpless infants getting murdered. How about we stop the genocide first and foremost and do whatever we can for the mother and child afterward. Conservatives already put up places who help the women carry out the pregnancies, the problem is liberals won’t fund THEM! Instead they just want to kill the baby. I’m all for doing anything to help these women, first and foremost educate them on what happens when you sleep around. And maybe ramaswamy has a point, if a dna test shows which man is responsible for the baby, lawfully make him responsible for supporting the child. Put his ass in jail if he doesn’t.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
I love you guys that clutch pearls over abortion but love guns and don’t want any restrictions on them. You talk about the sanctity of life but don’t want any restrictions on devices that take them.

Gun deaths are just abortions many trimesters later/after birth.

Like Ive said before I’m personally pro life and feel that a restriction of 16-20 weeks is reasonable. The problem is that must be paired with other unplanned pregnancy prevention measures, adoption facilitation and parental support. And Republicans don’t want to cover those.
16-20 weeks old is reasonable to kill? And yes, anyone who kills with a gun should go to jail. Problem is, the forsnips at planned parenthood have killed way more people then any gun could ever hope for, so your argument just doesn’t exist, I’m sorry.


Well-Known Member
16-20 weeks old is reasonable to kill? And yes, anyone who kills with a gun should go to jail. Problem is, the forsnips at planned parenthood have killed way more people then any gun could ever hope for, so your argument just doesn’t exist, I’m sorry.
So you're for a whole national ban of all abortions regardless of the situation?


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
I love you guys that clutch pearls over abortion but love guns and don’t want any restrictions on them. You talk about the sanctity of life but don’t want any restrictions on devices that take them.

Gun deaths are just abortions many trimesters later/after birth.

Like Ive said before I’m personally pro life and feel that a restriction of 16-20 weeks is reasonable. The problem is that must be paired with other unplanned pregnancy prevention measures, adoption facilitation and parental support. And Republicans don’t want to cover those.
The braindead drivel of comparing abortions to guns gets old. Guns don't kill anyone. Guns are objects. Murder is an act that has to be performed by another person. Abortion is an act performed by another person. The instrument they use is besides the point. Ask any gun enthusiast if they want to ban vacuums and surgical clamps and they will probably say no. But if you ask them whether they oppose using a gun to commit murder, they will probably say yes. Glad I could clear this all up for you stable geniuses.


Well-Known Member
I believe in the sanctity of life, all life, not just the unborn. Politicizing this hot button, polarizing issue seems to me disingenuous when politicians and political fanatics seem to have very little regard for life in general if it doesn’t fit their own personal or collective political or moral agenda.

Being all sanctimonious about this one issue pertaining to the sanctity of life while holding strong personal and political views that perpetuates the harm to human life in other ways all for power, retribution, control, protection of personal rights that result in loss of innocent lives, and worst of all sometimes just for money is IMO evidence that most politicians and political fanatics that fail to see the incongruity of their views lack integrity.
You have moral ambiguity. Abortion is a specific thing we can have separate views about. There are laws governing the treatment of others in society. It's not sanctimonious to argue against the taking of the life of an unborn child and the political arena where laws are passed is exactly where it should be argued. To say we make a big show about unborn children but don't care about life elsewhere sounds pretty judgemental to me. Are you referring to the loss of life in Gaza? Israel has put up with constant attacks for decades. They finally said enough after this most brutal attack. It's terrible that those kids are caught in the crossfire. But what's the answer? Wouldn't be happening if that attack by Hamas didn't happen and Israel is making sure it never happens again.

You are right that many wars are started over greed. Sometimes wars are just. How many children died in Allied bombings of Germany in WWII? Should the Allies have let the Germans continue to kill millions, including Jewish children in gas chambers, or should they have done what was necessary to stop evil?


Well-Known Member
The braindead drivel of comparing abortions to guns gets old. Guns don't kill anyone. Guns are objects. Murder is an act that has to be performed by another person. Abortion is an act performed by another person. The instrument they use is besides the point. Ask any gun enthusiast if they want to ban vacuums and surgical clamps and they will probably say no. But if you ask them whether they oppose using a gun to commit murder, they will probably say yes. Glad I could clear this all up for you stable geniuses.


Well-Known Member
I love you guys that clutch pearls over abortion but love guns and don’t want any restrictions on them. You talk about the sanctity of life but don’t want any restrictions on devices that take them.

Gun deaths are just abortions many trimesters later/after birth.

Like Ive said before I’m personally pro life and feel that a restriction of 16-20 weeks is reasonable. The problem is that must be paired with other unplanned pregnancy prevention measures, adoption facilitation and parental support. And Republicans don’t want to cover those.
As DIDO pointed out there are organizations that counsel women on options other than abortion and provide health services and adoption access. Abortion advocates hate them with a passion. They aren't interested in alternatives to abortion. They want no restrictions on abortion. No compromises.

You said 20 weeks is reasonable. That's 5 months. There's a heartbeat, there's pain felt. If you truly want compromise then try to see our point. If abortion is allowed then it has to be before a heartbeat is detected. Before pain is felt. If you kill anything, like in hunting, or in capital punishment, don't you want to be as merciful as possible when ending life? A baby isn't a convicted murderer, it's an innocent being who did no wrong. Every possible way to prevent it suffering should be taken.

I once watched the former governor of Virginia, who was a doctor, say that if the baby survived an abortion attempt and was born alive, and its mother wanted it aborted, the baby should be made comfortable on a table, then no further assistance given until it expired. Now that is a baby that is alive outside the womb. How is that not murder? Not to mention the doctor would violate his oath to do no harm. This is what abortion rights advocates have stooped to. Putting their own desires above the health and safety of unborn, and even born, children.


Well-Known Member
As DIDO pointed out there are organizations that counsel women on options other than abortion and provide health services and adoption access. Abortion advocates hate them with a passion. They aren't interested in alternatives to abortion. They want no restrictions on abortion. No compromises.

You said 20 weeks is reasonable. That's 5 months. There's a heartbeat, there's pain felt. If you truly want compromise then try to see our point. If abortion is allowed then it has to be before a heartbeat is detected. Before pain is felt. If you kill anything, like in hunting, or in capital punishment, don't you want to be as merciful as possible when ending life? A baby isn't a convicted murderer, it's an innocent being who did no wrong. Every possible way to prevent it suffering should be taken.

I once watched the former governor of Virginia, who was a doctor, say that if the baby survived an abortion attempt and was born alive, and its mother wanted it aborted, the baby should be made comfortable on a table, then no further assistance given until it expired. Now that is a baby that is alive outside the womb. How is that not murder? Not to mention the doctor would violate his oath to do no harm. This is what abortion rights advocates have stooped to. Putting their own desires above the health and safety of unborn, and even born, children.
So you're for a whole national ban of all abortions regardless of the situation?


Well-Known Member
So you're for a whole national ban of all abortions regardless of the situation?
Um, I've pointed out repeatedly that while I wish no abortions would happen, half of the country wants abortions. So a reasonable compromise should be made because neither side is going to get what it wants. I guess you don't read posts.


Well-Known Member
Um, I've pointed out repeatedly that while I wish no abortions would happen, half of the country wants abortions. So a reasonable compromise should be made because neither side is going to get what it wants. I guess you don't read posts.
  1. I just don't have every post memorized and everyone's positions written down for reference.
  2. Wrong.
    1. Where Do Americans Stand on Abortion?
    2. Image 3.png