1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Hey knucklehead, all those states got to choose for their selves. That’s a great thing the federal government should’ve never been involved the Republican Party did you a favor.
They won’t be happy until they’re throwing babies on bon fires. That’s why they identify with Hamas, no respect for life.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone


Well-Known Member
Lol, you’re nuts. What you’re talking about was the governments planned destruction of the American family. Women had THE most important role in society, which was raising the next generation. That is now gone and well you see the product of children being raised by the TV, and anyone but mom and dad. She rarely got beaten btw. Women get beat by they’re boyfriend nowadays I’m sure much more often.
Sorry, America is not a nation of "Lebenborns" or "Mother Heroines". And if the growing political power, wealth, and advanced education, of today's American woman is something that scares you well that's something you need to get over real quick because you're dealing with one Jeannie that's not going back in the bottle.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Sorry, America is not a nation of "Lebenborns" or "Mother Heroines". And if the growing political power, wealth, and advanced education, of today's American woman is something that scares you well that's something you need to get over real quick because you're dealing with one Jeannie that's not going back in the bottle.
Oh it doesn’t scare me at all. In fact I have accepted the world and how it is. Just gods plan. And I no longer vote, so I’m not even going to try and change it so have fun.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, America is not a nation of "Lebenborns" or "Mother Heroines". And if the growing political power, wealth, and advanced education, of today's American woman is something that scares you well that's something you need to get over real quick because you're dealing with one Jeannie that's not going back in the bottle.
Interesting because I see very few of those people most of them women you’re talking about or broke in debt with college loans and a dead end career. Stuck looking on dating apps for losers there life is completely unfulfilled while being told they should also kill their babies. They don’t seem happier to me. They’re starting to see men didn’t have it all figured out. Welcome to the club ladies



Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
This is so cringe-worthy that you feel the need to broadcast how trad you think you are.
"Wahhhhhhh. So trad!1!1!" Sorry that triggers you. Get a grip. Nothing is more cringe than your egalitarian, new era leftie bull:censored2: that defies every order of nature yet still thinks it's sustainable.


Well-Known Member
Unlike men such as yourself, there's one thing guys like me are not afraid of....change.
Pipe down Ted Baxter, I’ve been married 25 years I have three kids. There is nothing but constant change. How about you Mr. blow hard? How’s the TV dinner going? Eating alone again I see. 😂

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
"Wahhhhhhh. So trad!1!1!" Get a grip. Nothing is more cringe than your egalitarian, new era leftie bull:censored2: that defies every order of nature and still thinks it's sustainable.
Hahaha! Women having power over their own bodies and sexuality bothers you so damn much.

They're not going to suddenly decide to sleep with you just because you try so hard to force them into bondage, weeb.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Interesting because I see very few of those people most of them women you’re talking about or broke in debt with college loans and a dead end career. Stuck looking on dating apps for losers are life is completely unfulfilled while being told they should also kill their babies. They don’t seem happier to me. They’re starting to see men didn’t have it all figured out. Welcome to the club ladies
It’s against Gods will. These A-hole atheists talk a big game, but when push comes to shove they’ll be begging him for forgiveness.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha! Women having power over their own bodies and sexuality bothers you so damn much.

They're not going to suddenly decide to sleep with you just because you try so hard to force them into bondage, weeb.
Hey genius, women have always had power over their own bodies and sexuality, and have never had to prove it by killing their babies. At least they didn’t have to prove that to me.