1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Goes for the death penalty as well. Don't kill people! Pretty simple. Even if they are human filth. Let them rot in prison.
Kill 'em. Kill 'em swiftly. Saves money ( everyday they are alive we have to feed them) and lives ( death penalty deters future criminals, thinking twice before the kill someone).


Inordinately Right
Lol. You've posted garbage from this idiot before. You actually follow that stable genius? He needs a dictionary...

"The point I wish someone would make, which would blow up the whole pro-life argument, is that if a fetus is a human being, why can't they be claimed as a dependent on taxes making all these parents eligible for the related tax breaks?"

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Protestants are so stupid that it’s taken them 600 years to get this far, and they still don’t understand the difference between worshipping and venerating something. Lmao
Religious people have been killing each other and innocents trying to prove their God is the only way for millennia.Yet, the communists have murdered 100's of millions in the name of a Godless ideology.


Killing another in the name of religion is one of the 2 greatest tragedies in human history.

The other is communism.

And you clowns arguing over religion.....is 3rd.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Religious people have been killing each other and innocents trying to prove their God is the only way for millennia.Yet, the communists have murdered 100's of millions in the name of a Godless ideology.


Killing another in the name of religion is one of the 2 greatest tragedies in human history.

The other is communism.

And you clowns arguing over religion.....is 3rd.
Being wrong and stupid while you're walking around and killing each other is called war no matter what it's over.
Being wrong and stupid while you decide take the life of an innocent and helpless baby is called murder.


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
Lol. You've posted garbage from this idiot before. You actually follow that stable genius? He needs a dictionary...

"The point I wish someone would make, which would blow up the whole pro-life argument, is that if a fetus is a human being, why can't they be claimed as a dependent on taxes making all these parents eligible for the related tax breaks?"
View attachment 362912
If you are found guilty of killing a pregnant woman, in a car wreck or any other criminal way, your also getting a second count for the unborn babie(s) she was carrying so?


Well-Known Member
And you clowns arguing over religion.....is 3rd.
Every religious discussion eventually devolves.

The same, exact pathology in which liberals try to out-'woke' each other with their nonsense.

I very much enjoy watching liberals eat each other alive. Not nearly so much when it comes to religious people.

I would believe that among one of the the last things a divine creator would want is for mankind to argue and kill each other over how to properly honor, interpret, or worship him.

"...and the devil laughed. For it reminded him of Cain slaying Abel."


Well-Known Member
If you are found guilty of killing a pregnant woman, in a car wreck or any other criminal way, your also getting a second count for the unborn babie(s) she was carrying so?
I think it's called the Unborn Victims of Violence Act.

It's the same as murder, but then it isn't.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Every religious discussion eventually devolves.

The same, exact pathology in which liberals try to out-'woke' each other with their nonsense.

I very much enjoy watching liberals eat each other alive. Not nearly so much when it comes to religious people.

I would believe that among one of the the last things a divine creator would want is for mankind to argue and kill each other over how to properly honor, interpret, or worship him.

"...and the devil laughed. For it reminded him of Cain slaying Abel."
Being religious holds no special relevance.


The Universe has been here at least 14 billion years....let's think about that for a moment.

"Modern" religion has been around for 2000 years....some say 700.

Religion...a man-made construct. And when a simple observation(of the Universe) would reveal the answer(probably) is far more complicated than kneeling on a prayer rug(with an AK47) or begging for donations from your globe trotting private jet.....or praying to a plaster statue....


And why do these discussions "devolve"? Because they are based on "faith". Also called an opinion. As there isn't really any "proof". Please spare me the analogies about gravity and all.....they devolve into up and including death as these folks could never admit that getting up every Sunday morning and Wed. nights was all a made-up construct for control.....kinda like a pandemic virus.....that never ends.
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Strength through joy
If you are found guilty of killing a pregnant woman, in a car wreck or any other criminal way, your also getting a second count for the unborn babie(s) she was carrying so?
Scott Peterson, who was convicted of killing his pregnant wife Laci Peterson and their unborn baby in 2002, was re-sentenced Wednesday to life in prison.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday’s Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a Holy Day of Obligation for all Catholics, shows that the Church recognizes your creation at conception. As it did Our Lady, and as it did Our Lord. Very pro life feast day! The sermon was about how we too should be thankful for when God formed us in the womb, and take a little bit of that day to say thanks as well.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
View attachment 363004Yesterday’s Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a Holy Day of Obligation for all Catholics, shows that the Church recognizes your creation at conception. As it did Our Lady, and as it did Our Lord. Very pro life feast day! The sermon was about how we too should be thankful for when God formed us in the womb, and take a little bit of that day to say thanks as well.
And the earth was flat then......


Inordinately Right
And the earth was flat then......
No, it wasn't.
But you accidentally made a great point.

Just because they thought the world was flat doesn't mean it actually was. Just because people think abortion isn't murder, doesn't mean it isn't.

Science progressed and we learned the earth is round. Science has progressed quite a bit since roe v wade. Ultrasounds weren't even commonplace when the right to kill your baby was magically found in the margins of the Constitution. We know much more about fetal development now, and the point of viability is much earlier.

History will judge abortion proponents as ignorant barbarians.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
No, it wasn't.
But you accidentally made a great point.

Just because they thought the world was flat doesn't mean it actually was. Just because people think abortion isn't murder, doesn't mean it isn't.

Science progressed and we learned the earth is round. Science has progressed quite a bit since roe v wade. Ultrasounds weren't even commonplace when the right to kill your baby was magically found in the margins of the Constitution. We know much more about fetal development now, and the point of viability is much earlier.

History will judge abortion proponents as ignorant barbarians.

:goodpost:...Science has improved over the last 50 years, they are actually performing corrective surgery on babies in their mother's wombs currently. Convicted killers are now being charged with homicide of an unborn child when they murder a pregnant woman, the law officially recognizes the unborn as citizens with the same human rights as the born. Life begins at Conception!

Most of the legal experts know that "Roe V Wade" is just a badly written decision and should never been brought before the supreme court in the first place. Now the supreme court will have to make a decision before the mid terms and it will be used by the bought out politicians who are supported financially by Planned Parenthood as a battle cry, after all it is all about the Benjamins. 💲


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
As I've always said, people HATE the truth. If those convenience murderers of God's children would spend a little time in DEEP thought they might have another outlook???
The absolute truth is that abortion is murder and THE FACT is that people totally ignore this and murder babies anyway. They are pro abortion and pro murder.