1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member

Slurs are in such oversupply that any woman appearing virtuous or sane must be screened for being a plant.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
No, it wasn't.
But you accidentally made a great point.

Just because they thought the world was flat doesn't mean it actually was. Just because people think abortion isn't murder, doesn't mean it isn't.

Science progressed and we learned the earth is round. Science has progressed quite a bit since roe v wade. Ultrasounds weren't even commonplace when the right to kill your baby was magically found in the margins of the Constitution. We know much more about fetal development now, and the point of viability is much earlier.

History will judge abortion proponents as ignorant barbarians.


Non liberal

Well-Known Member
I love how leftists won’t debate you but they will stalk you and disagree with all the posts you’ve made in the last few weeks all at the same time. Cowards! They’re wrong about most things and they know it!🤣😂


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
Don't kill convicted murders, keep them alive no matter what, but killing people in the womb is ok?
My stance on abortion is complicated with many different aspects having been seen and experienced..


The death penalty should be blanketed across our country in it's fulfillment.

That fulfillment should be do not pass go...

Straight out to the back and poked until completely bled out.


Well-Known Member
Based on your personal experience, of course.
Nope. Data.

Women file for nearly 80% of divorces. That's because they get all the cash and prizes. Single women do the same without the hassle of marriage first.

For any given woman whining about child support, approximately 0% of women have allowed the man his place in the home. They weaponize the courts to extract money and keep him away. Then they wine some more. (that's not a typo)


Well-Known Member
It is really hard to find a bigger cause of social problems than single moms.

They're not heroes. They're the worst. They are responsible for raising just about every single person in prison.


Well-Known Member
my stance is that since men gave women the right to vote we can take it away.......until women are liable for the draft or served they should not be full citizens.......this is serious and I am not joking...
Nope. Data.

Women file for nearly 80% of divorces. That's because they get all the cash and prizes. Single women do the same without the hassle of marriage first.

For any given woman whining about child support, approximately 0% of women have allowed the man his place in the home. They weaponize the courts to extract money and keep him away. Then they wine some more. (that's not a typo)