1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
Imagine being so much of a Progressive clown that you think men can become women, women can become men (not that you can even define what either is), women can cut their breasts off, abort their pregnancies, compete with men, everyone can surgically remove their genitalia and hormonally castrate themselves, and believe that that society is sustainable.
Your morality and religion is not necessarily someone else's morality and religion and every time the Religious Right tries to use the hammer of US law as a means to forcibly impose their religion and their morality on the American people it gets chewed up sand spit right back in it's face.


Well-Known Member
I once met an ageing gentleman who was within a few years of retirement and it was clearly getting hard for him to get around.
He said to me quote...." I love my country but I don't try my government" My response...."Well at least there's one person here who won't be signing up for Social Security and Medicare and a good chance Medicaid" He just stood there with that Buggs Bunny look on his face. I said to him...'Why would you trust something so critically important as your future retirement income and healthcare needs to someone you have plainly stated you don't trust"?

Realizing the clear stupidity of what he had just said he turned around and walked away in silence.


Well-Known Member
Imagine being so much of a Progressive clown that this looks like a backward dystopia that oPpReSsEs aNd CoNtRoLs WoMen.

View attachment 454065
This painting is a glossed over depiction of life in the US in the 1950's which the MAGA's appear to be still stuck in. The reality of life in America at the time was anything but ideal and was just as challenging back then as it is today.


Well-Known Member
In keeping with that thought the IRS has simply asked for a larger budget to pay for 9000 new IRS agents whose purpose would be to enforce and collect the estimated 500 billion dollars in federal income tax that is owed to the IRS that is simply based on
CURRENT US tax law.

It would give them the money, manpower and paid manhours needed to audit complex returns that cannot be done with a simple correspondence audit.
Meanwhile, back at @bacha29 lair…..



Well-Known Member
No, we just think that having a baby shouldn't automatically give you a slew of public services instead of taking care of your own child. Typical abortionists. Kill the baby rather than face responsibility but if you have the baby the government is supposed to provide everything for you.
And too cheap to buy health insurance to cover future healthcare expenses and the government through tax deductible charitable contributions and mandated surcharges on coded medical services has to provide emergency healthcare to a person who would have almost certainly died otherwise.

So you tell me....What's the difference?


Well-Known Member
Please explain.
You covet and envy other people's money and success. You advocate for forced confiscation by gun(yes it is). Up to and including death. The problem with fairness and equality of outcome......is subjective. Who decides. How do you quantify as well as qualify? The human condition cannot sustain this communistic/socialistic utopian fantasy. Is it fair to be unfair? Think hard. Liberal/progressive policies are systematically destroying America.


Well-Known Member
Christians adopt twice as many children as non Christians. Your streak of being wrong about everything continues. Carry on.
Then they had better be able to adopt a whole lot more especially in the state's that have blanket abortion bans.

Fortunately for me I live in a state where abortion is still legal.

However if you live in a state that has a blanket abortion ban, and has both a child welfare clause and a balanced budget clause in it's state constitution then you're going to end up paying for a kid that isn't even yours.

Cherish the experience.


Well-Known Member
Then they had better be able to adopt a whole lot more especially in the state's that have blanket abortion bans.

Fortunately for me I live in a state where abortion is still legal.

However if you live in a state that has a blanket abortion ban, and has both a child welfare clause and a balanced budget clause in it's state constitution then you're going to end up paying for a kid that isn't even yours.

Cherish the experience.
Being fortunate for abortion. Wow.

Did you jump up down orgasmically Tuesday night? Serious question. The images of such represent the darkest and worst of the human condition.

Without explanation, a casual reader of Yahoo News Wednesday morning, would have thought a touchdown was made in a football game. Truly bizarre.

In my day, abortion was a super private concern. Now, it's celebrated....


Inordinately Right
I once met an ageing gentleman who was within a few years of retirement and it was clearly getting hard for him to get around.
He said to me quote...." I love my country but I don't try my government" My response...."Well at least there's one person here who won't be signing up for Social Security and Medicare and a good chance Medicaid" He just stood there with that Buggs Bunny look on his face. I said to him...'Why would you trust something so critically important as your future retirement income and healthcare needs to someone you have plainly stated you don't trust"?

Realizing the clear stupidity of what he had just said he turned around and walked away in silence.
No you didn't.
This is one of many silly stories you make up.


Well-Known Member
Being fortunate for abortion. Wow.

Did you jump up down orgasmically Tuesday night? Serious question. The images of such represent the darkest and worst of the human condition.

Without explanation, a casual reader of Yahoo News Wednesday morning, would have thought a touchdown was made in a football game. Truly bizarre.

In my day, abortion was a super private concern. Now, it's celebrated....
Wrong. It's about KEEPING it a private matter. A matter to be decided by the woman alone and in accordance with what is best for her and her own convictions.


Inordinately Right
Then they had better be able to adopt a whole lot more especially in the state's that have blanket abortion bans.

Fortunately for me I live in a state where abortion is still legal.

However if you live in a state that has a blanket abortion ban, and has both a child welfare clause and a balanced budget clause in it's state constitution then you're going to end up paying for a kid that isn't even yours.

Cherish the experience.
Once again, your entire argument for why you support killing babies is because you don't want your taxes to go up.

Says a lot about you.
Carry on.


Well-Known Member
Once again, your entire argument for why you support killing babies is because you don't want your taxes to go up.

Says a lot about you.
Carry on.
And you don't want to have to pay to support the neglected and underserved kids certain to be born to individuals who cannot or will not provide for the kid's needs.

So forget about taking the moral high ground because you don't have it if you're not willing to back your convictions with the needed cash.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, wrong about what exactly?
You're the person who pointed to the fact that abortion is a private matter. It only became a public matter when individuals and groups of individuals tried using the hammer of American law to forcibly impose their religious views onto American women as a means of controlling their behavior.

And as we plainly saw on Tuesday....it's not going to work.


Well-Known Member
I once met an ageing gentleman who was within a few years of retirement and it was clearly getting hard for him to get around.
He said to me quote...." I love my country but I don't try my government" My response...."Well at least there's one person here who won't be signing up for Social Security and Medicare and a good chance Medicaid" He just stood there with that Buggs Bunny look on his face. I said to him...'Why would you trust something so critically important as your future retirement income and healthcare needs to someone you have plainly stated you don't trust"?

Realizing the clear stupidity of what he had just said he turned around and walked away in silence.
Or the old folks that say "I don't want socialized medicine. And don't touch my Medicare."


Inordinately Right
And you don't want to have to pay to support the neglected and underserved kids certain to be born to individuals who cannot or will not provide for the kid's needs.

So forget about taking the moral high ground because you don't have it if you're not willing to back your convictions with the needed cash.
You're wrong.

Just like you're wrong about everything else you ramble on incessantly about.

Go back to crying about your Medicare in the FedEx forum, troll.