1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
"It only became a public matter when..." Abortion advocates are total zealots who pushed it on the country in '73. To say we're pushing our religious views onto American women when the Left is demanding abortion in every corner of the country while disregarding state rights is at best disingenuous.
Roe vs Wade pushed nothing onto the American people other than affording a woman the right to choose for herself whether not or not to have an abortion. What is being pushed onto them now are the demands by the pro lifers and religious zealots that they be denied that right for no other reason than an effort to forcibly impose a set of religious or moral ideology that the woman does NOT have to bow to or be controlled by.

If you wish for your own life to be governed and controlled by that set of religious or moral rules whose creation in which you had no say whatsoever that's perfectly fine but as long as America remains a representative democracy and not a clergy controlled theocracy then it doesn't mean that everyone else has to do the same as you.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
What was depicted in the painting was an America that wasn't at all like it was back then nor is today.
So happy nuclear families with a father who went to work and a mother who stayed home to raise their multiple kids and look after the housework never existed?


Well-Known Member
Mike Johnson, the Republican Speaker of the House, sponsored a bill that bans birth control and IUDs, under the idea that fertilized eggs are “people”



Well-Known Member
Roe vs Wade pushed nothing onto the American people other than affording a woman the right to choose for herself whether not or not to have an abortion. What is being pushed onto them now are the demands by the pro lifers and religious zealots that they be denied that right for no other reason than an effort to forcibly impose a set of religious or moral ideology that the woman does NOT have to bow to or be controlled by.

If you wish for your own life to be governed and controlled by that set of religious or moral rules whose creation in which you had no say whatsoever that's perfectly fine but as long as America remains a representative democracy and not a clergy controlled theocracy then it doesn't mean that everyone else has to do the same as you.
Democracy is majority rule with protections for the minority. By returning abortion back to the States the majority in each state gets to decide whether to allow abortion or not and under what conditions. Abortion advocates are wanting a Federal law that supersedes state law. So who is trying to force who?

You got Roe overturned because of the push to allow abortion at any point in the pregnancy for any reason. No willingness to compromise. When states like Missouri and Mississippi sought a reasonable compromise it was shot down by abortion advocates. So here we are now.

Woman wants an abortion and her state won't allow her to kill her baby at 8 months? She can legally go to states who are willing to snuff out life. She just can't do it in states where they care more about her baby than she does.


Well-Known Member
Democracy is majority rule with protections for the minority. By returning abortion back to the States the majority in each state gets to decide whether to allow abortion or not and under what conditions. Abortion advocates are wanting a Federal law that supersedes state law. So who is trying to force who?
Ohio GOP saying the state-wide vote doesn't matter and that it will not be observed by them.



Inordinately Right
If you wish for your own life to be governed and controlled by that set of religious or moral rules whose creation in which you had no say whatsoever that's perfectly fine but as long as America remains a representative democracy and not a clergy controlled theocracy then it doesn't mean that everyone else has to do the same as you.
Um, yes it does.

Our laws are based on religious and moral rules. If you want to participate in a civilized society, you need to abide by those rules.

If you want to sacrifice children and endorse pedophilic ideologies like the Democrat party does, then you need to GTFO.


Well-Known Member
Donald Trump and Republicans campaigned to overturn Roe v. Wade. They said states should decide. Now that states are enshrining the right to abortion into law, they are saying this is wrong.

Americans United for Life wants states to prohibit citizen-led referendums: “The results in Ohio are a reminder of the moral danger of majoritarianism, of allowing the strong to victimize the weak,”



Well-Known Member
Donald Trump and Republicans campaigned to overturn Roe v. Wade. They said states should decide. Now that states are enshrining the right to abortion into law, they are saying this is wrong.

Americans United for Life wants states to prohibit citizen-led referendums: “The results in Ohio are a reminder of the moral danger of majoritarianism, of allowing the strong to victimize the weak,”

And when you get the result you want you say ok, that's it, it will forever remain this way. Life is fluid, and majority views ebb and flow. People in Ohio will strive to convince others in future votes that restricting abortion is the right thing to do. They may win, they might not. It isn't your right to say this issue is completely settled and can never be legitimately changed. If that were so Roe wouldn't have been overturned.


Well-Known Member
Ohio GOP saying the state-wide vote doesn't matter and that it will not be observed by them.

Sounds like the GOP was shocked to discover that the measure passed. The people of Ohio have spoken and they want the right to an abortion to stand and the size of the majority vote proves it conclusively. Instead of letting it go and move on the Ohio GOP is digging an even deeper hole for itself come next year and beyond.


Well-Known Member
Um, yes it does.

Our laws are based on religious and moral rules. If you want to participate in a civilized society, you need to abide by those rules.

If you want to sacrifice children and endorse pedophilic ideologies like the Democrat party does, then you need to GTFO.
Once again America is not a Christian nation or a theocracy. It is a representative democracy. If you want to live under the thumb of a bunch of nonelected clergy there are plenty of other countries where you can live out your days under the thumb of an unelected autocratic clergyman .


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the GOP was shocked to discover that the measure passed. The people of Ohio have spoken and they want the right to an abortion to stand and the size of the majority vote proves it conclusively. Instead of letting it go and move on the Ohio GOP is digging an even deeper hole for itself come next year and beyond.
And Democrats are glomming onto the abortion issue because it's the only thing that's working for you. Can't defend the economy, foreign policy, border security. Let's see in '24 what matters most.


Well-Known Member
Once again America is not a Christian nation or a theocracy. It is a representative democracy. If you want to live under the thumb of a bunch of nonelected clergy there are plenty of other countries where you can live out your days under the thumb of an unelected autocratic clergyman .
Y'all call removing smut from school libraries "banning books." Christians are standing up because we see what your side would do if given the opportunity. Attacking people who are trying to do the right thing in their lives seems a weak argument for persuading people what you're offering is better.


Well-Known Member
Democracy is majority rule with protections for the minority. By returning abortion back to the States the majority in each state gets to decide whether to allow abortion or not and under what conditions. Abortion advocates are wanting a Federal law that supersedes state law. So who is trying to force who?

You got Roe overturned because of the push to allow abortion at any point in the pregnancy for any reason. No willingness to compromise. When states like Missouri and Mississippi sought a reasonable compromise it was shot down by abortion advocates. So here we are now.

Woman wants an abortion and her state won't allow her to kill her baby at 8 months? She can legally go to states who are willing to snuff out life. She just can't do it in states where they care more about her baby than she does.
8 months? Only if the mother's life is in peril. If a woman wants an abortion then get it right away, no waiting around. I once had a coworker who got pregnant to a man who dragged his feet in regard to divorcing his first wife. This young woman waited until well into at least her second trimester for the guy to make up his mind. Finally she went and had an abortion and got on with her life.

Abortion at least in some ways actually protects a woman from men like this guy. In fact an NBC News poll taken last year 59% of main line Christians polled supported abortion rights.

As long as women have a weakness for handsome "bad boy" types taking advantage of their good looks and seductive power women will always need and should be granted abortion rights.

The irony is that as a woman grows a bit older and become a better judge of character they are no longer attracted to the "bad boy" types but instead become attracted to the "caregiver" type.


Well-Known Member
Y'all call removing smut from school libraries "banning books." Christians are standing up because we see what your side would do if given the opportunity. Attacking people who are trying to do the right thing in their lives seems a weak argument for persuading people what you're offering is better.
Restricting access to books qualified professionals deem inappropriate for their age group is one thing.....Censorship is an entirely different matter especially when unqualified religious zealots try to impose it on public school systems funded by public dollars coming from people of all religions or no religion at all.


Well-Known Member
8 months? Only if the mother's life is in peril. If a woman wants an abortion then get it right away, no waiting around. I once had a coworker who got pregnant to a man who dragged his feet in regard to divorcing his first wife. This young woman waited until well into at least her second trimester for the guy to make up his mind. Finally she went and had an abortion and got on with her life.

Abortion at least in some ways actually protects a woman from men like this guy. In fact an NBC News poll taken last year 59% of main line Christians polled supported abortion rights.

As long as women have a weakness for handsome "bad boy" types taking advantage of their good looks and seductive power women will always need and should be granted abortion rights.

The irony is that as a woman grows a bit older and become a better judge of character they are no longer attracted to the "bad boy" types but instead become attracted to the "caregiver" type.
That must explain why they’ve never been attracted to you 😂

Brown Circus

Shh...It’s peak and I’m hunting logic
Roe vs Wade pushed nothing onto the American people other than affording a woman the right to choose for herself whether not or not to have an abortion. What is being pushed onto them now are the demands by the pro lifers and religious zealots that they be denied that right for no other reason than an effort to forcibly impose a set of religious or moral ideology that the woman does NOT have to bow to or be controlled by.

If you wish for your own life to be governed and controlled by that set of religious or moral rules whose creation in which you had no say whatsoever that's perfectly fine but as long as America remains a representative democracy and not a clergy controlled theocracy then it doesn't mean that everyone else has to do the same as you.
This is a totally ignorant statement. Roe vs Wade took power from the people. Reversing it gave it back.


Well-Known Member
And Democrats are glomming onto the abortion issue because it's the only thing that's working for you. Can't defend the economy, foreign policy, border security. Let's see in '24 what matters most.
1. Oil dollars dictates foreign policy.
2. The Federal Reserve Chairman runs the economy.
3. The funding bill Biden has asked Congress for contains more money for border security.

Brown Circus

Shh...It’s peak and I’m hunting logic
Once again America is not a Christian nation or a theocracy. It is a representative democracy. If you want to live under the thumb of a bunch of nonelected clergy there are plenty of other countries where you can live out your days under the thumb of an unelected autocratic clergyman .
America until recently has been a nation of Christians. ALL of the leaders of this country, regardless of their political party, have been Christian since the beginning of this great country Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Kennedy, MLK, Malcom X, Reagan, Clinton(who passed DOMA), both Bushes, and even Obama, Trump, and Biden all claim to be Christians.