1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
You're wrong.

Just like you're wrong about everything else you ramble on incessantly about.

Go back to crying about your Medicare in the FedEx forum, troll.
There is one thing I am right about.....Money talks and bull feces walks. And when voters in Ohio saw that the pro lifers wouldn't back their religious and moral convictions with cold hard cash, Ohio voters handed them their hat and sent them on their way.

And the same holds true with your UPS/Teamster retiree healthcare plan. It too has to be backed with cash and requires more of it every year and will be there.....until it isn't.


Inordinately Right
There is one thing I am right about.....Money talks and bull feces walks. And when voters in Ohio saw that the pro lifers wouldn't back their religious and moral convictions with cold hard cash, Ohio voters handed them their hat and sent them on their way.

And the same holds true with your UPS/Teamster retiree healthcare plan. It too has to be backed with cash and requires more of it every year and will be there.....until it isn't.
Blah blah blah blah....
All you do is ramble the same stupid crap over and over again

We get it, you are pro killing babies because they're expensive. You've made that clear.

Move on my good friend.


Binge Poster
You covet and envy other people's money and success. You advocate for forced confiscation by gun(yes it is). Up to and including death. The problem with fairness and equality of outcome......is subjective. Who decides. How do you quantify as well as qualify? The human condition cannot sustain this communistic/socialistic utopian fantasy. Is it fair to be unfair? Think hard. Liberal/progressive policies are systematically destroying America.
I covet and envy nothing.

I don’t advocate for forced confiscation.

I never mentioned fairness or equality.

IMO A government truly by the people and for the people should decide, quantify and qualify.

I never mentioned a communistic, socialistic utopian society that you mention nor did I mention fairness or unfairness.

How so?

I have already told you my opinion of what I believe is the scourge of America.

I respect your right to your opinion and to believe what you want.

IMO Both mine and yours amount to nothing more productive for change than killing time in the BC.


Well-Known Member
You're the person who pointed to the fact that abortion is a private matter. It only became a public matter when individuals and groups of individuals tried using the hammer of American law to forcibly impose their religious views onto American women as a means of controlling their behavior.

And as we plainly saw on Tuesday....it's not going to work.
Nope that’s what happens when people like you wanted to federal government in charge of that decision. It’s a states rights issue as you can clearly see.


Well-Known Member
And too cheap to buy health insurance to cover future healthcare expenses and the government through tax deductible charitable contributions and mandated surcharges on coded medical services has to provide emergency healthcare to a person who would have almost certainly died otherwise.

So you tell me....What's the difference?
The difference is one is asked for, the other unexpected.


Well-Known Member
You're the person who pointed to the fact that abortion is a private matter. It only became a public matter when individuals and groups of individuals tried using the hammer of American law to forcibly impose their religious views onto American women as a means of controlling their behavior.

And as we plainly saw on Tuesday....it's not going to work.
"It only became a public matter when..." Abortion advocates are total zealots who pushed it on the country in '73. To say we're pushing our religious views onto American women when the Left is demanding abortion in every corner of the country while disregarding state rights is at best disingenuous.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
I once met an ageing gentleman who was within a few years of retirement and it was clearly getting hard for him to get around.
He said to me quote...." I love my country but I don't try my government" My response...."Well at least there's one person here who won't be signing up for Social Security and Medicare and a good chance Medicaid" He just stood there with that Buggs Bunny look on his face. I said to him...'Why would you trust something so critically important as your future retirement income and healthcare needs to someone you have plainly stated you don't trust"?

Realizing the clear stupidity of what he had just said he turned around and walked away in silence.
I'm sure you walked away from that smug as can be but he was likely just dumbfounded by the stupidity of what he just heard. Guy is forced to pay into these programs his whole life but he's not supposed to collect on his own money that's already paid into it. 🤡


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Your morality and religion is not necessarily someone else's morality and religion and every time the Religious Right tries to use the hammer of US law as a means to forcibly impose their religion and their morality on the American people it gets chewed up sand spit right back in it's face.
I didn't bring up morality or religion. What your religion of Leftism believes is objective lunacy.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
This painting is a glossed over depiction of life in the US in the 1950's which the MAGA's appear to be still stuck in. The reality of life in America at the time was anything but ideal and was just as challenging back then as it is today.
Doesn't change what is depicted and the fact that your Progressive religion is triggered by it. 🤡

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
All we've heard out of you this evening are personal attacks and sexual innuendo .
As I've said before , if you want an abortion ban that's fine by me provided that given that many states have a balanced budget constitution then if there is as expected an increase in demand for state constitutionally mandated child welfare services an abortion ban would likely create that as a result would require a tax increase in order to fulfill the state's balanced budget constitutional mandate would you support it?
Lol, democrats don’t balance budgets


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you walked away from that smug as can be but he was likely just dumbfounded by the stupidity of what he just heard. Guy is forced to pay into these programs his whole life but he's not supposed to collect on his own money that's already paid into it. 🤡
He stated that he didn't trust his government. That being the case then he was perfectly free not to apply for benefits when the time came for him to do so. Now he in all likelihood paid in through FICA payroll deductions and FICA is the only payroll retirement plan whose contributions are federally insured but nevertheless he's still perfectly free to abstain from applying for benefits when he became eligible.