1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
So, by denying a viable being the status of personhood, you would justify terminating that being.

Please establish the stare decisis of any government to define personhood, and what that definition is, and how it applies to viable, preborn human beings.
You’re granted personhood the day you’re born. It says it right there on every government document you have.

Everything else is life defined by other means. Science or religion.


Well-Known Member
Fetuses aren’t people.

Your side is going to lose on this abortion issue.

Does your birth certificate say your date of birth or the date you were conceived?
trumps taken that bullet out of the dems gun . If anything he pissed off some conservative christian groups with his more moderate position .

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Life, yes. Personhood? Nope. The woman should have full agency along with help from her doctor if she is to carry to term.

Right now we have situations where women can want the child to be born but have a complication that would affect her life, health or future fertility and the doctors have to be really careful to meet some legal standard before they help her in a way they would otherwise help her if not for the draconian, anti-woman law. It’s not right.

We should respect women and their agency. They want freedom, they vote, and they’re going to punish Republicans.


Well-Known Member
Life, yes. Personhood? Nope. The woman should have full agency along with help from her doctor if she is to carry to term.

Right now we have situations where women can want the child to be born but have a complication that would affect her life, health or future fertility and the doctors have to be really careful to meet some legal standard before they help her in a way they would otherwise help her if not for the draconian, anti-woman law. It’s not right.

We should respect women and their agency. They want freedom, they vote, and they’re going to punish Republicans.
Oh no


Well-Known Member
Settled law, everyone thought.

The more cynical view is that the Democratic Party knew they could rally on this issue if the Republicans were ever stupid enough to :censored2:can it. We are living through it now.
You’re a fool if you believe anything, the Supreme Court says is settled. That’s not even how it works.


Well-Known Member
Life, yes. Personhood? Nope. The woman should have full agency along with help from her doctor if she is to carry to term.

Right now we have situations where women can want the child to be born but have a complication that would affect her life, health or future fertility and the doctors have to be really careful to meet some legal standard before they help her in a way they would otherwise help her if not for the draconian, anti-woman law. It’s not right.

We should respect women and their agency. They want freedom, they vote, and they’re going to punish Republicans.
that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness….”

That’s weird. I don’t see personhood under these unalienable rights? 🤔

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness….”

That’s weird. I don’t see personhood under these unalienable rights? 🤔
That’s weird. I guess women don’t have liberty but a fetus has the right to life under all circumstances?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, 6 of them are unhinged.
because they don't make liberal law from the bench?
the message that gets lost in this debate is that the supreme court told the country either settle it state by state or let congress make the appropriate law.
congress wont do so because this is one of those laws each party wants to use to fund raise with.