1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
You’re not a woman, and presumably not a doctor, so you’re not aborting any fetuses anyway.

Not your decision, not your conscience.
How do you know he's not a woman? You don't get to assign his gender. He may identify as a woman. Men can have babies now too. Didn't you know that?


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge


Well-Known Member
Murder is almost always prosecuted at the state level. That's true.
But defining a person is a federal job, and it was done. They said "people" and everybody knew who that was. It was all people - blacks, women, and unborn babies, were all counted as people for the purpose of personhood or murder. So, no definition was given because they all agreed on personhood.

Now that there is dispute, you have to have a federal definition.
They defined "people" or did everyone automatically know what that meant? Because at that time only white males had power. By your definition white males at the time were denying all others their constitutional rights. This is a moot point. It's a states rights issue, not a national one and shouldn't have been made one by Roe v. Wade. We can wish it was illegal everywhere but you aren't going to get it unless you want to go through a civil war over it like slavery. That war was about states rights too.
It’s absolutely amazing to me that the sick arguments that the left uses to justify the horrible practice of abortion which is really just the brutal murder of a baby could be used to say that rape should be legal. My body my choice. I can do what I want and what’s convenient for me nobody else matters. What matters is my hedonistic pleasure. If you’re gonna murder a six month old in the womb why not just kill your one year old? Same level of dependency why stop at the unborn?

Abortion should be illegal except in the most extreme exceptions. Its been almost 50 years of systematic murder and eugenics