1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member

I Catholic and personally Pro Life. If there was never another abortion I would be happy. But I’m also realistic.

The problem with Conservatives is they want all babies born but then don’t want to pay the burden. They also don’t want to assist with pregnancy prevention.

Birth control should be extremely cheap or free. Well mother care for pregnant women should be a main principle. Adoptions should be facilitated and easier. Maternal and paternal leave should be greatly expanded. WIC and other public assistance for poor mothers should be expanded.

I know what the response will be.
The emphasis and funding should be for abstinence, not contraception. Abstinence will not only protect from getting pregnant but also keep our young folks healthy. We need to get back to a godly society and quit all the filth.


Inordinately Right
See information is so bad on both sides and so disingenuous.
If you read right wing sources they like to act like abortion is legal everywhere up to point of birth.
If you read left wing sources it is now hand maid’s tale with women having forced births.

No wonder this country is going to :censored2:, they all lie their asses off to us non stop. You have to take time and actually read about the laws, which no one wants to sit there and read :censored2:ing laws.
Well what I'm saying is Roe was used as precedent for other cases that would allow states to legalize abortion up to the point of birth.

If we had actually gone back to the roe v wade standard, leftists would be upset too.

But yes, I agree with you that the narratives are convoluted and the facts too complicated for most people. Roe v Wade was terrible law and the right to privacy scheme they used to invent the right to abortion has screwed up a lot of other case precedent too.


Well-Known Member
The Constitution establishes religious freedom in the First Amendment through the Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses.
And yet every state that signed up for statehood already had a state church, and required faith tests for public office or testifying in court. This was universal. And it didn't violate the First Amendment.


Well-Known Member
Those things are punishable by law. Who's responsible for the well-being of their children? That's right, their parents or legal guardians.

With the current state of healthcare, children are probably better off without it.

Who's responsible for housing their children? Oh yeah, their parents or legal guardians.

Literally never killed anyone who wasn't highly likely to die anyway.

Anyone who thinks the government will take care of us is negligent.

Democrats used to be anti-war. Now they lose their minds over the only president to not start a new war in forever, broker peace deals, and get us to energy independence. Almost like they want endless war, then shed crocodile tears about sending 18 year old kids off to die to increase defense contractors stock prices.

Really, a minister had to tell you that all human life was sanctified?
1.. And if they cannot or refuse then what happens? The courts have to take over and CYS gets the kids.
2. Have you ever refused to take your kids to the doctor if the American healthcare system is as bad as you imply?
3. Regardless of the quality and safety of that housing.
4. Yet you no doubt made certain that your kid had access to quality education. And based on your comments whatever brains
your kid does have he didn't get it from you.
5. But you'll still apply for and gladly accept Social Security and Medicare benefits.
6. The last two major US military invasions were launched by Republican presidents.


Inordinately Right
1.. And if they cannot or refuse then what happens? The courts have to take over and CYS gets the kids.
2. Have you ever refused to take your kids to the doctor if the American healthcare system is as bad as you imply?
3. Regardless of the quality and safety of that housing.
4. Yet you no doubt made certain that your kid had access to quality education. And based on your comments whatever brains
your kid does have he didn't get it from you.
5. But you'll still apply for and gladly accept Social Security and Medicare benefits.
6. The last two major US military invasions were launched by Republican presidents.
You support killing babies to save money.
Your ramblings are just a deflection from that indisputable fact.


Well-Known Member
Separation of church and state is taught in scripture.
And there's clearly an ongoing attempt to end that separation. No surprise. Civilizations have spent the past 8000 years destroying each other over the question of whose God is the true God and who loves him more. Your bible is loaded with examples of it . And don't you believe your bible?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
And there's clearly an ongoing attempt to end that separation. No surprise. Civilizations have spent the past 8000 years destroying each other over the question of whose God is the true God and who loves him more. Your bible is loaded with examples of it . And don't you believe your bible?
Again, the Bible is not to blame for what the world has done with it.


Well-Known Member
Just because the basic principles laid down by the founders were taught principles in Scripture, doesn't make the country "Christian" or a law that says you have to be one.
There was never a law that you had to be one.
There were laws from the beginning that you had to be one to hold office, testify in Court, etc. And these don't violate the Constitution.


Well-Known Member
And there's clearly an ongoing attempt to end that separation. No surprise. Civilizations have spent the past 8000 years destroying each other over the question of whose God is the true God and who loves him more. Your bible is loaded with examples of it . And don't you believe your bible?
Nobody has a higher body count than atheists and those attempting to separate the state from religion.


Well-Known Member
You support killing babies to save money.
Your ramblings are just a deflection from that indisputable fact.
And your deflection regarding the expected need for increased public funding is conclusive proof that the social challenges and economic challenges that are expected to arise from the end your so called killing of of humans is something you'll expect somebody else to address. You're clearly going to simply run away and hide.


Well-Known Member
And your deflection regarding the expected need for increased public funding is conclusive proof that the social challenges and economic challenges that are expected to arise from the end your so called killing of of humans is something you'll expect somebody else to address. You're clearly going to simply run away and hide.
If we give you all the public funding you want, you'd never consent to outlawing murder.

We know a trap when we see one.