1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
Show me the data that supports your wild claim that they were all adopted. You don't have a single scrap of corroborated evidence or confirmed data supporting that claim. I bet you're another one of those people still clinging desperately to the long since debunked claim that the 2020 election was stolen.
They're all adopted. Any babies and infants are taken immediately.
Why do you demand data when you don't even know what foster care is?


Well-Known Member
Those 410k come from degenerate and dead moms and dads who can't take care of their kids. That's what the foster system is.
Over the years, I've known of several people (one is an uncle of mine) who took in foster kids.

Beginning in the teen years, nothing but trouble and problems with no good endings. It's almost as if these kids are genetically inclined to become their bio parents.



Well-Known Member
Over the years, I've known of several people (one is an uncle of mine) who took in foster kids.

Beginning in the teen years, nothing but trouble and problems with no good endings. It's almost as if these kids are genetically inclined to become their bio parents.

When you think about what the average foster kid has seen, experienced, and done, only a fool would take one.
Unless you live by yourself and can give the kid your entire attention, and he can't affect anyone else.


Well-Known Member
This is your link:
View attachment 389555

Which takes you here:
View attachment 389556

In other words, only 19 percent of Americans agree with the Democrat party position that killing babies up to the moment before birth should be legal.

Try again my radical left wing friend.
So killing babies after birth through neglect, malnutrition, lack of healthcare, lack of safe housing, lack of education etc that's seems to be just fine with you. And then just after they turn 18 they can go get their heads blown off in another war for oil. And this important comparison was brought to my attention by none other than a Presbyterian minister.


Well-Known Member
So killing babies after birth through neglect, malnutrition, lack of healthcare, lack of safe housing, lack of education etc that's seems to be just fine with you. And then just after they turn 18 they can go get their heads blown off in another war for oil. And this important comparison was brought to my attention by none other than a Presbyterian minister.
All of that is by the choice of the mother. How can that possibly be stopped?
Every mom on the country has food, shelter, and clothing and medical care available.


Well-Known Member
When you think about what the average foster kid has seen, experienced, and done, only a fool would take one.
Unless you live by yourself and can give the kid your entire attention, and he can't affect anyone else.
I get it now, In addition to never taken in a foster kid of your own you've prejudged all of them entirely on the basis of the third hand gossip you just happened to have heard.


Inordinately Right
Looks like most of America agrees with roe being overturned and having a debate on the issue that doesn’t just end on “you violated their rights!!!” Lawsuit.
The funny thing is, Democrats don't even really like the roe v wade decision, because it uses fetal viability as the determining factor for when states can prohibit abortion.

In the seventies it was 28 weeks, now it's more like 22 weeks. As technology improves, it will only get earlier.


I'm a star
I bet you've seen every episode of Beverly Hillbillies. 10 times

You should state that more affirmatively, since you are my biographer.

A system where everyone is forced to enable other peoplhe's bad decisions is clearly preferable to people being socially pressured to do what's right and take responsibility for their actions.

How many government solutions to government caused problems have to fail before people will be forced to admit that murder is not a viable alternative to personal responsibility?


Well-Known Member
I get it now, In addition to never taken in a foster kid of your own you've prejudged all of them entirely on the basis of the third hand gossip you just happened to have heard.
You still don't even know what a foster is.
I have a very extensive first-hand experience in this matter.
Meanwhile, you literally cannot even define it.


I'm a star
The funny thing is, Democrats don't even really like the roe v wade decision, because it uses fetal viability as the determining factor for when states can prohibit abortion.

In the seventies it was 28 weeks, now it's more like 22 weeks. As technology improves, it will only get earlier.

Most countries use 16 weeks, because that is when a baby has a beating heart and neural activity, which is the standard used for determining whether anyone is alive or not. The problem with that standard is that most people in a vegetative state don't get better, even if left on life support. Most babies will continue to develop fully if left alone.
Last edited:


Inordinately Right
And then just after they turn 18 they can go get their heads blown off in another war for oil.
No, unlike Joe Biden and all the other Democrats, I'm against foreign entanglements. In fact, part of the reason Trump was elected was to stop those wars that Biden and the Democrats you voted for supported.

How is your support for Ukraine going?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
One little issue with that. The colonies kicked the Church of England and it's king clean out of the country in 1781. If you want a theocracy run by a bunch of unelected clergy using an old piece of ancient text that will support any point of view they want it to then there are no shortage of places on this planet you can move to.
The scriptures teach and support capital punishment.
What the world (or you) does with it at any point in history is irrelevant.

El Correcto

god is dead
The funny thing is, Democrats don't even really like the roe v wade decision, because it uses fetal viability as the determining factor for when states can prohibit abortion.

In the seventies it was 28 weeks, now it's more like 22 weeks. As technology improves, it will only get earlier.
See information is so bad on both sides and so disingenuous.
If you read right wing sources they like to act like abortion is legal everywhere up to point of birth.
If you read left wing sources it is now hand maid’s tale with women having forced births.

No wonder this country is going to :censored2:, they all lie their asses off to us non stop. You have to take time and actually read about the laws, which no one wants to sit there and read :censored2:ing laws.


Well-Known Member
All of that is by the choice of the mother. How can that possibly be stopped?
Every mom on the country has food, shelter, and clothing and medical care available.
So now you're simply assuming that access to it will never be impeded, the parents are not too proud to ask for it and both parents are intellectually capable of knowing what the kid's needs are and whether or not they are being meet. And if you had formal education in the field you would know that no two domestic conditions are the same nor are they as simple as you think they are. If every relationship, every domestic condition, every home environment was as simple straight forward and as all alike as you think they are then social workers would not need four year college degrees to take on that miserable but necessary job. The job will never get any easier and the caseload is now not likely to get and smaller. You can take your claim that it doesn't require a 4 year degree to do that job throw it in the trash because the LAW says that it does require it. So take my advice...let the PROFESSIONALS handle it . And that's somebody you are as far from as anyone could get.


Well-Known Member
So now you're simply assuming that access to it will never be impeded, the parents are not too proud to ask for it and both parents are intellectually capable of knowing what the kid's needs are and whether or not they are being meet. And if you had formal education in the field you would know that no two domestic conditions are the same nor are they as simple as you think they are. If every relationship, every domestic condition, every home environment was as simple straight forward and as all alike as you think they are then social workers would not need four year college degrees to take on that miserable but necessary job. The job will never get any easier and the caseload is now not likely to get and smaller. You can take your claim that it doesn't require a 4 year degree to do that job throw it in the trash because the LAW says that it does require it. So take my advice...let the PROFESSIONALS handle it . And that's somebody you are as far from as anyone could get.
Most of these people live off the system, and have for their whole lives.
Free food, medical care, shelter, and clothes are available for them all. They're better at working the system than I would be. You're whining on behalf of people who are fine.
It takes a whole lot of work and intentional effort to starve a kid or make him die of exposure in America. It's that easy to keep a kid alive.


I'm a star
So killing babies after birth through neglect, malnutrition,
Those things are punishable by law. Who's responsible for the well-being of their children? That's right, their parents or legal guardians.

lack of healthcare,
With the current state of healthcare, children are probably better off without it.

lack of safe housing,
Who's responsible for housing their children? Oh yeah, their parents or legal guardians.

lack of education etc
Literally never killed anyone who wasn't highly likely to die anyway.

that's seems to be just fine with you.
Anyone who thinks the government will take care of us is negligent.

And then just after they turn 18 they can go get their heads blown off in another war for oil.
Democrats used to be anti-war. Now they lose their minds over the only president to not start a new war in forever, broker peace deals, and get us to energy independence. Almost like they want endless war, then shed crocodile tears about sending 18 year old kids off to die to increase defense contractors stock prices.

And this important comparison was brought to my attention by none other than a Presbyterian minister.
Really, a minister had to tell you that all human life was sanctified?