document it, film it; and you will be fine.
so you are saying that if a sup tells you to steal, and you document it, film it, you will be fine?
i disagree.
first off, you wont get a sup to let you film a thing. it is also against company policy to film anything on ups property.
so in reality, filming something is not viable in the real world.
and just because they tell you to do something you know to be dishonest does not absolve you from the punishment.
so with your documentation, there will be two looking for a job, not just one.
when they haul you into the office for failure to follow, ask them to be specific about the instructions, and have the shop steward include those instructions in the grievance.
like they will ever repeat it in front of the steward..........
cya, never do dishonest things at work. it can and will be used against you later on.
example. your start time is 8:30, and they tell you to punch out at 8:40. you normally get to your first stop 20 minutes after you actually leave the building.
today, because of what ever reason of the month, your load is not ready until 9:20. but as instructed verbally, you put down you left at 8:40 instead of 9:20. you get to your first stop at 9:40, and bust ass getting done.
a month later, lp walks up to you and asks you why you are stealing time. you show almost an hour on what should have taken you 20 minutes to drive.
now, your behind is in a tough spot. and i am sure you will quickly spout off that you were told to punch out at 8:40, which the sup will refute.
unless there are a lot of other drivers willing to put their necks on the line (thats if they even find out about it) and come to your defense, your days at ups are over. and with a discharge for dishonesty, you dont draw unemployment etc.
ive seen this happen more than once. and while in our center there was no one permenently fired, several drivers have had suspensions and gone through the trauma of being told they are fired and have to fight to get their jobs back.
is that really what you want?