Originally Posted by gamer282
The same thing is happening here in S. Fl. I was told because my AM time was as much as .50 daily my supe was moving my start time from 8:25 to 9:30 and taking all my airs off me and giving them to an air driver.
HM, and you as a shop steward, have never played poker? As a shop steward, you would know that they cant arbitrarily take work off a route and give it to an air driver. There is something that just does not fly right with that statement. And what was taking you a half hour to check? It takes you a full minute per package to count the air packages?
I have to wrap my vehicle daily and have all my airs PAL'd to FL1. You see I get about 30 to 50 and have had as many as 75 NDA daily, try to sort and confirm those in less than 15 minutes! And thats after going to wait in line to get High Value packages which is a 50 step walk just to get there.
And you are special how? I had 75 NDA or more per day, every day, and high values too, in the next section of the building. Sometimes as many as 125 NDA or more, and there were no problems with me leaving on time. And I did not falsify my numbers either.
Well to make things short I had to promise the center manager and supe with a Shop Steward present, I would only record no more than 15 minutes for the AM. to keep my original start time which is 10 minutes before the rest of my groups start time.
Ah, special treatment for a "special" driver. So you take it upon yourself to privately negotiate a separate contract just for you? Even though it is against the contract you are supposed to uphold? And you did so in front of another steward? That is a reason to terminate the both of you.
Oh did I mention I have been a Shop Steward for over 20 years. This was all after filing grievances because of junior drivers getting earlier start times than me for no reason when I have a commit problem daily and have to give up airs if I don't start early...And I am an Underallowed driver.