Well-Known Member
Here is an honest question.
If they are so wound up about being spoon-fed a make believe number...why not just program the DIAD to show the 10 minutes of AM time automatically?
I'm being serious here. Its a simple solution. Remove the human factor entirely, and program the equipment to provide the desired statistic. The drivers can do their jobs honestly, and the management team gets to look at the number they want to see on the report. Its a win/win.
The issue is that this is a single location and the manager or supervisor is WRONG....
While this doesn't impact a driver's pay (or even impact important numbers) its still a numbers game and is the wrong direction to give. Overallowed in the AM will transfer to overallowed on road.
If I were to bet, the district or region has issues with overallowed in the AM. So, rather than fix the problem and have the preload go down clean, they are hiding it by limiting reported AM time.
I hope this catches up with them.