2 types at UPS

The two types of people at UPS
1. People that get stuff done

2. People that are worthless and honestly should be fired

Now how to decipher which group your in...

if you continually bring up union you prolly a number 2

if you continually complain about too much work prolly a number 2

if you work on sort and ask supervisor when do I get to go home every 5 mins u prolly a number 2

If you complaining about orion u prolly a number two. UPS pays you to do what they want just follow the system whether ya agree or disagree I mean damn some you drivers pulling in 80000 a year

If you are injured more then once then most likely your a number two just trying to play the system

If your filing grievances prolly a number two... in my expierence the people that file the grievance are the worst workers...

If your a center manager and you only show up to your building when you have Corporate visiting u prolly a number two...

If your a center manager and you don't bend the rules a lil to show help out employees u prolly a number 2...

If your a supervisor and don't show your employees respect during daily interactions u prolly a number 2...

If you a PT sup and you kiss the ft sup ass and center managers ass you prolly a number 2
Universal truth if ya always blaming and complainING and trying to find the scapegoat in life; maybe you should look at yourself and realize the problem is you...

Just thoughts from a lowly PT sup
obviously exceptions to some of these...the key is sentence right above the last one.... hint hint starts at universal truth.... and spelling/grammar please much more important things should be discussed then that


Well-Known Member
For the a s s that wrote this if it wasn't for us drivers and part timers you wouldn't have a job that's why you sit behind a desk cause you sucked as a driver or where ever you came from


Well-Known Troll
If you're a PT sup and you come and tell a bunch of Full time employees how "useless" they are, you're a number 2

Come do the job for 2 days, in the UNBEARABLE heat with torrential downpours, and when it's 25 degrees and snowing its ass off. Then you can come in and tell us how horrible we are.
