2020 Presidential Updates


Well-Known Member
CIA, the FBI, and the worlds multinational corporations intent on infecting your children with globohomo ideology and immigrants to replace you run this country, and don’t you forget it.
Are you familiar with the reply button? Could you please use it so that we know who you are responding to?


Inordinately Right
They do have bipartisan election committees watching the count. There may be some fraud happening but overall it's probably legit. If there's fraud that they can get away with it's in the mail in ballots. And if proved and they can determine the people responsible they should do prison time.


Well-Known Member
The 85% chance includes many scenarios. It doesn’t mean he’d win by a 85 point margin. A close election that is won by Biden is right in line with predictions.
Didn't say 85 points. He was overwhelmingly predicted to win. Big blue wave capturing the Senate too. He might win, the Senate is still red, the House is less blue. So no matter what happens we won't see radicalism destroying the country. And if he or Harris tries to legislate by executive order lawsuits can be brought to a very conservative Supreme Court. Not as good as Trump winning, but can live with that scenario.


nowhere special
Didn't say 85 points. He was overwhelmingly predicted to win. Big blue wave capturing the Senate too. He might win, the Senate is still red, the House is less blue. So no matter what happens we won't see radicalism destroying the country. And if he or Harris tries to legislate by executive order lawsuits can be brought to a very conservative Supreme Court. Not as good as Trump winning, but can live with that scenario.
Last night the news was reporting the Dems would pick up another 10 to 15 House seats. Instead of losing 7 to 10 or so.


Inordinately Right
You'll have to explain to me why that's illegal. I don't understand why they aren't reporting everything they have up until now. Maybe they want Trump to win. Heard they're very concerned about Biden shutting the entire country down and killing their hotel business. Bet you aren't considering that.
I didn't say it was illegal.
You said the only way fraud happens is mail in ballots. They did mass mail out ballots to every voter. They were reporting those vote counts, didn't like the results, and stopped counting.

Now they're keeping the vote count secret for two days......


Well-Known Member
I didn't say it was illegal.
You said the only way fraud happens is mail in ballots. They did mass mail out ballots to every voter. They were reporting those vote counts, didn't like the results, and stopped counting.

Now they're keeping the vote count secret for two days......
If it's fraud it's illegal. They are being transparent with what they're doing so must be confident it's legal.


Well-Known Member
They are confident in being corrupt, what else is new.
What's new is we have a conservative Supreme Court. Not a maybe conservative depending on Roberts. And no one puts out a statement signaling they're going to break the law and eff you if you don't like it. You're getting into conspiracy theory territory.


Well-Known Member
From what I saw counts hadn't come in from Detroit and Milwaukee when Trump was leading in both states. Was a big shock to see him lose the lead this morning but it looks legit. Might have the same problem with Atlanta suburbs before it's over. By all means if they can prove voter fraud then go for it. But he barely won Michigan in 2016 so it's reasonable to think he wasn't going to win by hundreds of thousands with Detroit outstanding.