2020 Presidential Updates

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Keep reaching for whatever helps you feel better about one term Donny
It wasn't Hillary!
That is one thing the country can feel good about.
A divided government is assured and Mitch is still the gatekeeper.
It should be a fun next four years.
Kabala will be the first Woman and Asian Indian President!
I can't wait until 2024 and we've got all the boxes checked off as a country.
Who has a Hispanic ready for the run?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
We won't know until the recount. It does look like fraud on an unprecedented scale but lack of transparency obscures that. It will end up in courts to decide how many ballots will end up being counted.
If they have already been counted, I see very little chance the SCOTUS will even look at the case.

Segregated ballots ... maybe but not until Thanksgiving or later.

The SCOTUS may weigh in on Pennsylvania lawmaking by the courts ... that looks bad and is disturbing.


nowhere special
If they have already been counted, I see very little chance the SCOTUS will even look at the case.

Segregated ballots ... maybe but not until Thanksgiving or later.
If they can find evidence of widespread fraud it would have to work its way up through the state courts first, but yeah the Supremes like to avoid cases like that when they can.


nowhere special
There is no widespread fraud.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I was talking about the whole country. Trump was supposed to get crushed. The Dems were going to capture the Senate and extend their lead in the House. Same B.S. every four years.
I don't mind the Dems ... that's just natural braggadocio.

The Press and Polls being locked in goosestep with the Democrats is very disturbing.

El Correcto

god is dead
Republican’s major advantage was taken away this election, how lazy all the people who want free :censored2: in this country are.

If you send every dum :censored2: who wants free :censored2: a ballot in the mail that basically says check this box for free stuff and this box to protect what you earn, of course they are going to check the free :censored2: box.