2020 Presidential Updates


Well-Known Member
Whoo! Sounds like big trouble for the Dimocraps!
I do need to clarify. On October 6th the Director of National Intelligence declassified handwritten notes Brennan took when he briefed Obama at the White House about intelligence the CIA had gotten from credible Russian sources that the Russians were concerned about the Clinton campaign creating a false narrative about Trump colluding with Russians to take the focus off of her email server scandal. He also briefed Jim Comey. All of that mess over a pack of lies.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I do need to clarify. On October 6th the Director of National Intelligence declassified handwritten notes Brennan took when he briefed Obama at the White House about intelligence the CIA had gotten from credible Russian sources that the Russians were concerned about the Clinton campaign creating a false narrative about Trump colluding with Russians to take the focus off of her email server scandal. He also briefed Jim Comey. All of that mess over a pack of lies.
I think they call that politics.


Well-Known Member
I’ve seen him around from time to time, something something Clinton impeachment, etc etc.
I'm sure you're messing with me, but just in case he was the Republican Speaker of the House during the Clinton administration who created the "Contract with America", caused the Republicans to capture Congress after 40 years of Democrat control, got welfare reform passed, and got the budget balanced. After all that we've been spending like drunken sailors ever since.

Rick Ross

I'm into distribution!!
I’ve seen him around from time to time, something something Clinton impeachment, etc etc.

Impeached Clinton whole having a mistress or two of his own. Left his wife while she was recovering from cancer. Cheated on multiple wives.

Model Republican!


Well-Known Member
Big Floyd and RBG both voted for the democrat ticket this year. Thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
You do realize Georgia is controlled by republicans, don't you? I'm not sure if you're implying there was corruption or that the flip was inevitable.
The flip is coming from Atlanta. No way that many black people care about Joe Biden. Trump gonna smack the :censored2: outta these retards in court.


Well-Known Member
The flip is coming from Atlanta. No way that many black people care about Joe Biden. Trump gonna smack the * outta these retards in court.
What I really hope is that people get charged based on a PER BALLOT basis, so theyre letting them finish counting every last one of them, and then crucify them for 90,000 years lololololol Ill have to spend some time today looking into what the penalty structure is for voter fraud in those states

All I know is, Trump has the opportunity to walk away from this, locking up all of the participating swamp creatures (pending evidence), being the biggest Chad in World History, or, the biggest pusillanimous for "taking the high road" and dying on a mound of morality like so many other Republicans before him. Though I tend to believe that his approach will be the former simply due to the fact that he didnt arrest anyone during his first 4 years. I cant help but think he did that intentionally to lull them into a false sense of security. That kind of tactic seems to be up Trumps alley so he could catch as many as he could in his net.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
The flip is coming from Atlanta. No way that many black people care about Joe Biden. Trump gonna smack the * outta these retards in court.

I don't think the courts are going to rule the way you'd like because the "uppity blacks" you probably think shouldn't even be able to vote really stepped up to give Trump the boot this year. The election has never been about Joe Biden. It's been about how gross Donald Trump is and how much voters have wanted him out.



Well-Known Member
I don't think the courts are going to rule the way you'd like because the "uppity blacks" you probably think shouldn't even be able to vote really stepped up to give Trump the boot this year. The election has never been about Joe Biden. It's been about how gross Donald Trump is and how much voters have wanted him out.

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Im thinking about all the blacks and hispanics that voted for Trump that the left is trying to yet again disenfranchise and force back onto the plantation. Of course, those black lives dont matter to blm though...