2020 Presidential Updates

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Im thinking about all the blacks and hispanics that voted for Trump that the left is trying to yet again disenfranchise and force back onto the plantation. Of course, those black lives dont matter to blm though...

I definitely think there's an argument to be made that the Democratic approach is not one that will best help minority communities move forward if eventual parity in income, education, etc is the goal.


Well-Known Member
I don't think the courts are going to rule the way you'd like because the "uppity blacks" you probably think shouldn't even be able to vote really stepped up to give Trump the boot this year. The election has never been about Joe Biden. It's been about how gross Donald Trump is and how much voters have wanted him out.

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That Democrats hate Trump so much that they'd rather elect a crook with cognitive decline makes this election about the Democrat electorate. Trump did great things for the country his first three years. His policies worked. But you'd never know it listening to Democrat politicians and their media cronies. Instead of working with a president who clearly wanted what was best for America they fought him every step of the way. In no way could they tolerate an unabashed capitalist succeeding which would threaten their vision of a socialist utopia. And he threatened the leadership's ability to enrich themselves while doing it. Democrats don't seem to care that Biden or the Clinton's or anyone else became millionaires while in office on government salaries. Only thing that matters is they're in control, and how they want things to be done is proceeding. This isn't democracy. And unfortunately the country will be driven into the ditch before enough people wake up to that. You get the government that you deserve.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Before Covid, 5 states had unsolisted mail in ballots.
After Covid, every loser that moves 3 times a year to keep from paying rent got at least 4 or 5 with someone knocking on their door to help them fill it out because they can't read.
Live it up.
A president whose brain is gone voted in by people with no brains.


Well-Known Member
Telling you... the true leftist commies that are orchestrating this (not these low-level IQ dipsh--s who think they are the REAL shot-callers of course) are going to try to spark a conflict. Its likely going to get messy. Im actually looking forward to it tbh


Telling you... the true leftist commies that are orchestrating this (not these low-level IQ dipsh--s who think they are the REAL shot-callers of course) are going to try to spark a conflict. Its likely going to get messy. Im actually looking forward to it tbh

You got any names or any kind of fact or are you just making things up

Me thinks it’s the latter


Well-Known Member
You got any names or any kind of fact or are you just making things up

Me thinks it’s the latter
How many times will I need to repeat this over the course of the next 48 hours? Im a UPS driver bro, not a part of DHS, not an Election official, a UPS driver. We'll be more than happy to share once it comes to light. And youll be more than happy to deny it, just as expected


Inordinately Right

"In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6,000 vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said, ‘tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the votes.'”

“since then, we have now discovered that 47 counties used this same software in the same capacity,” or more than half of Michigan’s 83 counties


Well-Known Member
Joe Biden is the 46th President in American history. He has pummeled Trump in both popular vote and electoral.
Illegitimate, if it does transpire.

Popular vote has no bearing, you are a Constitutional illiterate if you think it does.

There have been no electoral votes cast, not a single Secretary of State has certified any states election.

The resistance has begun should the Biden/Harris joke prevail.

Stay out of these waters, you expose your ignorance.

No Justice, No Peace,
however the America loving Constitutionalists don't burn and loot.


Well-Known Member

"In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6,000 vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said, ‘tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the votes.'”

“since then, we have now discovered that 47 counties used this same software in the same capacity,” or more than half of Michigan’s 83 counties
You know they're just gonna pretend they don't see it. They're playing peek-a-boo with information lol


Well-Known Member
He should have been the first black President. Not Obama's perfume-wearing a--
I love him, read some Walter E Williams, I love him as well.

Williams is an economist also, George Mason University.

Sowell is an accomplished photographer, look for some of his work.