2020 Presidential Updates

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Republican run precincts are run much better report earlier.
Democrat run precincts are the ones showing up on the news all the time as all mucked up.

In Georgia, Fulton County, a Democrat stronghold, is always the last to report.
gives them plenty of time to see how many additional votes they need to win
Trump's up by 10%/330,000 with Fulton County left to report.

Jo Jo has only 1% this time ... Libertarian Party candidate normally gets 2.5 - 3%.
That's not good except for Trump.

El Correcto

god is dead
That's what losers claim.

I didn’t know Biden was out there claiming fraud. Interesting.


Well-Known Member
Lotta, Whitey voted for the first black president (not Bill Clinton) twice.

It can't be a race thing then.
It is divided on the direction this country will go.
Bro, lay off the Adderall. Murica has always been divided and will most likely always be divided. Ttku..