2020 Presidential Updates


Inordinately Right
It was always divided. Ttku...

El Correcto

god is dead
President Trump basically just declared victory. Millions of Democrats are going to be seething when they hear that in the morning.
We were about to win and they called it off and said let’s go to court.

He then went on to declare himself victorious in all swing states still contested and maybe even Arizona.

The set of balls on this man, 12 more years.


Well-Known Member
President Trump basically just declared victory. Millions of Democrats are going to be seething when they hear that in the morning.
Who declares victory before they win lmao. Trump wants to call it stolen/fraud if he ends up losing. As far as I am concerned all pollsters should be fired. Unlikely outcomes shouldn’t happen every election.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Who declares victory before they win lmao. Trump wants to call it stolen/fraud if he ends up losing. As far as I am concerned all pollsters should be fired. Unlikely outcomes shouldn’t happen every election.
Please explain why they completely stopped counting all of the sudden!?


Inordinately Right
We were about to win and they called it off and said let’s go to court.

He then went on to declare himself victorious in all swing states still contested and maybe even Arizona.

The set of balls on this man, 12 more years.
I don't see how President Trump loses without cheating and lawsuits in both georgia and Pennsylvania.

Declaring victory might be the single best troll of his entire presidency so far. People are going to freaking lose it tomorrow morning lol.


Well-Known Member
Please explain why they completely stopped counting all of the sudden!?
We know it was going to take days or weeks if it was close. See there are these things called mail in ballots. It’s bad enough that you think winner should be chosen by electoral college rather than popular votes. Now saying only one voting method should be counted is a dick move.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
We know it was going to take days or weeks if it was close. See there are these things called mail in ballots. It’s bad enough that you think winner should be chosen by electoral college rather than popular votes. Now saying only one voting method should be counted is a dick move.
You don't get the electoral college if you say it like that. I definitely don't want people from California making decisions for everyone in the US.

El Correcto

god is dead
We know it was going to take days or weeks if it was close. See there are these things called mail in ballots. It’s bad enough that you think winner should be chosen by electoral college rather than popular votes. Now saying only one voting method should be counted is a dick move.
“If it was close”
Yeah cause Biden was gonna commit fraud when that happened. This entire election has been fraudulent if you ask me. Voting isn’t sitting on your ass waiting for a ballot to come in the mail to check a box that makes you feel good. Voting is being informed enough about something that you feel passionate enough to set aside time to go wait for your turn to cast a ballot that will impact it.

Democrats are just trying to enable dumb asses educated by system they built that know nothing about this country’s government, history, economy or evil political beliefs like Marxism to be able to check a box on a piece of paper after seeing on their TikTok feed that lady Gaga likes Biden. They are even arguing for children in highschool to vote, I guarantee that turns into busing poor kids to the polls.
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Well-Known Member
You don't get the electoral college if you say it like that. I definitely don't want people from California making decisions for everyone in the US.
You mean you don’t want 1 vote to = 1 vote. Your opinion on America should really be worth far more than someone in California. Tell me about how you are a superior human being and California are subhuman trash.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
You mean you don’t want 1 vote to = 1 vote. Your opinion on America should really be worth far more than someone in California. Tell me about how you are a superior human being and California are subhuman trash.
Man some are dense. It's simple. If it was 1 vote equal 1 vote.. Then California woukd tell America how it wants to run it. I'm not better, just prefer other people having a say. Not to mention your one vote is one vote. For an electoral college vote. That is if that person wants to follow the majority.

El Correcto

god is dead
Man some are dense. It's simple. If it was 1 vote equal 1 vote.. Then California woukd tell America how it wants to run it. I'm not better, just prefer other people having a say. Not to mention your one vote is one vote. For an electoral college vote. That is if that person wants to follow the majority.
These are the people Nancy Pelosi makes sure votes.
Doesn’t even understand the electoral college system and what a union of states are.