2020 Presidential Updates


Inordinately Right
Newsmax Airs Clarification Of Election Fraud Claims After Legal Threat

Newsmax on Monday followed Fox News in running an extensive fact check of claims of election rigging against President Donald Trump, after one of the targets of the conspiracy theories, election tech company Smartmatic, threatened legal action.

Smartmatic has fired off legal threats to Fox News, Newsmax and One America News Network, demanding repeated retractions after on-air personalities and guests floated claims that its election software was rigged, that it had ties to the Venezuelan government and George Soros. In fact, Smartmatic said that it provided support only for one locality in the recent presidential election, Los Angeles County.

Another company, Dominion Voting Systems, has issued lengthy rebuttals in response to disinformation, and has also issued legal demands to Sidney Powell, a Newsmax guest who has represented the Trump campaign in its legal challenges.

Newsmax’s John Tabacco read a statement on air, telling the audience that “Newsmax would like to clarify its news coverage and note that it has not reported as true certain claims made about these companies. There are several facts our viewers and readers should be aware of. Newsmax has found no evidence either Dominion or Smartmatic owns the other, or has any business association with each other.”

The statement refuted a list of claims that had been made on air since the election. Newsmax has seen a spike in ratings as it on-air figures have pushed Trump’s claims that the election was stolen from him.

Tabacco went on to say that “no evidence has been offered that Dominion or Smartmatic used software or reprogrammed software that manipulated votes in the 2020 election.”

“Dominion has stated its company has no ownership, relationship with the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s family, Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s family, the Clinton family, Hugo Chavez, or the government of Venezuela.

“Neither Dominion nor Smartmatic has any relationship with George Soros.

“Smartmatic is a U.S. company and not owned by the Venezuelan government, Hugo Chavez or any foreign official or entity.”

Newsmax also posted the statement to its website.

Fox News ran a fact-checking segment over the weekend on Fox Business’ Lou Dobbs Tonight and Fox News’ Justice with Jeanine and Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo.
Facts About Dominion, Smartmatic You Should Know

"Since election day, various guests, attorneys and elected officials have appeared on Newsmax TV and offered opinions and claims about Smartmatic and Dominion Systems, both companies that offer voting software in the U.S.

Newsmax would like to clarify its news coverage and note it has not reported as true certain claims made about these companies.

There are several facts our viewers and readers should be aware. Newsmax has found no evidence either Dominion or Smartmatic owns the other, or has any business association with each other.

We have no evidence Dominion uses Smartmatic’s software or vice versa.

No evidence has been offered that Dominion or Smartmatic used software or reprogrammed software that manipulated votes in the 2020 election.

Smartmatic has stated its software was only used in the 2020 election in Los Angeles, and was not used in any battleground state contested by the Trump campaign and Newsmax has no evidence to the contrary.

Dominion has stated its company has no ownership relationship with the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's family, Sen. Dianne Feinstein's family, the Clinton family, Hugo Chavez, or the government of Venezuela.

Neither Dominion nor Smartmatic has any relationship with George Soros.

Smartmatic is a U.S. company and not owned by the Venezuelan government, Hugo Chavez or any foreign official or entity.

Smartmatic states it has no operations in Venezuela. While the company did election projects in Venezuela from 2004 to 2017, it states it never was founded by Hugo Chavez, nor did it have a corrupt relationship with him or the Venezuelan government."
Cool story bro.
Robinette is still illegitimate.
Carry on.


Inordinately Right


Well-Known Member
It is true, and Democrats were crying about it before the election. But they pretend not to believe it now because they won.

That's a ridiculous conclusion you've come to, just like most of the nonsense you post.
Democrats introduced legislation to secure voting because they were concerned about outside interference from Russia. You know Russia that just hacked the federal government. Democrats were also concerned about what they describe as voter suppression efforts by republicans and wanted to make voting easier in all states for all voters, and they wanted the increased mailed ballots to get sent out to voters, returned and counted. Nothing like this fantasyland bs coming from trump and republicans.
if Republican voters really believed their votes don’t count, they wouldn’t vote, what’s the point of voting if you believe your vote won’t be counted and the election will be stolen? Because in reality Republican voters do believe their votes are counted and they don’t believe that elections are stolen, that’s why they’ll continue to vote. They are only pretending to believe that insane bs to justify overturning an election their preferred candidate loses.

El Correcto

god is dead
Democrats introduced legislation to secure voting because they were concerned about outside interference from Russia. You know Russia that just hacked the federal government. Democrats were also concerned about what they describe as voter suppression efforts by republicans and wanted to make voting easier in all states for all voters, and they wanted the increased mailed ballots to get sent out to voters, returned and counted. Nothing like this fantasyland bs coming from trump and republicans.
if Republican voters really believed their votes don’t count, they wouldn’t vote, what’s the point of voting if you believe your vote won’t be counted and the election will be stolen? Because in reality Republican voters do believe their votes are counted and they don’t believe that elections are stolen, that’s why they’ll continue to vote. They are only pretending to believe that insane bs to justify overturning an election their preferred candidate loses.
No they didn’t, they sent out millions of unsolicited ballots and sent out harvesters.
They were not making it easier for people to vote; they were making it easier to disenfranchise the people who did vote.


Well-Known Member
No they didn’t, they sent out millions of unsolicited ballots and sent out harvesters.
They were not making it easier for people to vote; they were making it easier to disenfranchise the people who did vote.
Who is they? Where did they send out these ballots? What are harvesters? And where were the harvesters sent? How is sending out ballots disenfranchising anyone? This is the kind of insane stuff republicans have to pretend to believe.


Inordinately Right
Democrats introduced legislation to secure voting because they were concerned about outside interference from Russia. You know Russia that just hacked the federal government. Democrats were also concerned about what they describe as voter suppression efforts by republicans and wanted to make voting easier in all states for all voters, and they wanted the increased mailed ballots to get sent out to voters, returned and counted. Nothing like this fantasyland bs coming from trump and republicans.
if Republican voters really believed their votes don’t count, they wouldn’t vote, what’s the point of voting if you believe your vote won’t be counted and the election will be stolen? Because in reality Republican voters do believe their votes are counted and they don’t believe that elections are stolen, that’s why they’ll continue to vote. They are only pretending to believe that insane bs to justify overturning an election their preferred candidate loses.
The majority of Americans do not believe we have free and fair elections.


Well-Known Member
The majority of Americans do not believe we have free and fair elections.
this isn’t true based on polling of that question. But Republican voters do not believe this. If they did, they’d stop voting. If elections aren’t free or fair, that means the outcome is decided and your vote is meaningless. Again if republican voters really believed this, the only logical thing to do is to stop voting, stop giving a throughly corrupt process the patina of legitimacy by participating. But republicans are only pretending to believe elections are fraud ridden to justify over turning an election their preferred candidates lose


Well-Known Member
Yes it is.
No it’s not. Tracking Voter Trust in the American Electoral System
Sixty-three percent of voters overall say the 2020 election was free and fair, but 68 percent of Republicans say it was not. Sixty-eight percent of GOP voters say that mail-in voting led to widespread fraud, 30 percentage points higher than the share of all voters who said the same. Sixty-two percent of voters say Trump’s losses in recent court cases are due to insufficient evidence, but 56 percent of Republicans say it’s because those courts are biased against him.
The nation’s top intelligence and law enforcement agencies have confirmed that there is no evidence of significant voter fraud in American elections and that the 2020 election was secure.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)​

  • “We have not seen, historically, any kind of coordinated national voter fraud effort in a major election, whether it's by mail or otherwise.” – Christopher Wray, FBI Director, September 24, 2020, hearing before the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs. (Director Wray was appointed by President Trump in 2017.)

Department of Homeland Security – Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)​

  • “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history . . . . There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised . . . While we know there are many unfounded claims and opportunities for misinformation about the process of our elections . . . we have the utmost confidence in the security and integrity of our elections, and you should too.” – Joint Statement by CISA, the Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council (GCC), and the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council (SCC), November 12, 2020.
  • “[Election] Day was quiet. There was no indication or evidence that there was any evidence of hacking or compromise of election systems on, before, or after November 3 . . . . We did a good job. I would do it one thousand times over.” – Chris Krebs, Former Director of CISA, November 29, 2020.
Shortly after releasing the joint statement, Chris Krebs was fired from his position as director of CISA. His firing was directly linked to the joint statement in a tweet by President Trump. In a 60 Minutes interview, Krebs reflected on his agency’s work and described the Trump team’s claims of fraud as attempts to “undermine confidence in the election, to confuse people, to scare people . . . ”

Department of Justice (DOJ)​

  • “To date, [DOJ investigators] have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.” – Attorney General William Barr, December 1, 2020, announcement.
This conclusion was especially notable in light of Attorney General Barr’s extraordinary efforts to support President Trump’s ludicrous fraud allegations. In a break from long-standing DOJ policy, Barr announced in a November 9 memorandum that federal prosecutors were authorized to investigate some election fraud cases before the results of the election were certified, and noted that there may be irregularities that “could potentially impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual State.” The directive was roundly criticized by many former DOJ officials and elections experts.

Richard Pilger, head of the DOJ’s Election Crimes branch, responded to the move by stepping down from his position. Twenty-three Democratic attorneys general signed a letter expressing confidence that “any such investigations will not succeed in overturning the election’s outcome,” but criticizing the move for exacting “the terrible cost of undermining trust in the democratic institutions on which this country depends.” In another critical letter, 16 U.S. attorneys who track election malfeasance noted that the “policy change was not based in fact” and confirmed that in their jurisdictions there was no evidence of substantial election irregularities.

U.S. Election Assistance Commission​

  • “Time and time again, when the rubber hits the road, there's no evidence — whether that's in court cases, whether that's in the presidential commission that was created in 2017 to find the alleged non-citizens fraud after the 2016 election that cost, in his mind, the president the popular vote, but found nothing and disbanded in embarrassment, or academic studies. We never see evidence of widespread voter fraud. And there's no indicators that 2020 will be different in that regard.” – Benjamin Hovland, Commissioner of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, Business Insider, November 12, 2020

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Voting machine company executive sues Trump allies for defamation

"An executive for a voting machine company that has been the target of conspiracy theories in the aftermath of Donald Trump's 2020 election loss and been baselessly accused of swinging the results against the President is suing his campaign and conservative media figures for defamation.

Trump has called Dominion Voting Systems "a disaster," and his supporters have pushed the conspiracy theory that the company deleted votes for Trump on its voting equipment and that Dominion's director of product strategy and security, Eric Coomer, helped subvert the election.

There is no evidence that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump, and his administration and election officials have called it the "most secure" election in US history. President-elect Joe Biden won the popular vote by more than 7 million votes and the electoral map 306 to 232.

The lawsuit names as defendants the Trump campaign, Rudy Giuliani, Trump adviser Sidney Powell, conservative media outlets One America News Network and Newsmax Media, the right-wing website Gateway Pundit, and Colorado businessman and activist Joseph Oltmann, among others. CNN has reached out to those named in the lawsuit.

In recent days -- as the threat of legal action loomed larger -- several conservative media outlets have begun backtracking some of the more outrageous claims."


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Voting machine company executive sues Trump allies for defamation

"An executive for a voting machine company that has been the target of conspiracy theories in the aftermath of Donald Trump's 2020 election loss and been baselessly accused of swinging the results against the President is suing his campaign and conservative media figures for defamation.

Trump has called Dominion Voting Systems "a disaster," and his supporters have pushed the conspiracy theory that the company deleted votes for Trump on its voting equipment and that Dominion's director of product strategy and security, Eric Coomer, helped subvert the election.

There is no evidence that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump, and his administration and election officials have called it the "most secure" election in US history. President-elect Joe Biden won the popular vote by more than 7 million votes and the electoral map 306 to 232.

The lawsuit names as defendants the Trump campaign, Rudy Giuliani, Trump adviser Sidney Powell, conservative media outlets One America News Network and Newsmax Media, the right-wing website Gateway Pundit, and Colorado businessman and activist Joseph Oltmann, among others. CNN has reached out to those named in the lawsuit.

In recent days -- as the threat of legal action loomed larger -- several conservative media outlets have begun backtracking some of the more outrageous claims."
So what. You should follow this trial if it gets there, because at that point all the true facts will be released.