2020 Presidential Updates


Well-Known Member
Each polling location (ward, district, ect.) is required to report certified vote totals to the county. These numbers by law are released as public record and either put on their website or available upon request. This information doesn't need to be investigated, most can be obtained within minutes.
Not true. I'll put you down as optimistically hopeful. When Trump wins the next election with the same type of methods I expect the same strong support from you

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Here is the document that completely counters what you say.

1) The fact that various log entries are missing is suspicious and problematic. However, since they are missing, what should have been recorded is unknown and cannot be determined.

2) The fact that certain numbers of ballots were rejected and left to human adjudication is an avenue for human error or human intentional deceit. The system did not change the ballots.

3) The finding that the Dominion system is untrustworthy and should not have been used is a moot point for the November 3rd election.
The horses, cows and cats are out of the barn.

The rest of the document protests processes not being followed by humans and the probability of illegal human error but nothing about the Dominion system.

I feel it is very possible that human committed illegal acts and they were driven by rationalized logic that cheating was needed by the various actors extreme hatred of Trump. People can rationalize almost anything.

Hopefully Georgia Republicans get their act together before January 5th and prevent the types of voter fraud that occurred up to and after the November 3rd election.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Who is they? Where did they send out these ballots? What are harvesters? And where were the harvesters sent? How is sending out ballots disenfranchising anyone? This is the kind of insane stuff republicans have to pretend to believe.
Stacey Abrams in her own words and many other Democrats in other states followed her methodology.


I'm a star
I'm assuming Dominion has more evidence proving defamation has occurred than the Trump campaign, Rudy Giuliani, Trump adviser Sidney Powell, conservative media outlets One America News Network and Newsmax Media, the right-wing website Gateway Pundit, and Colorado businessman and activist Joseph Oltmann, among others have to prove that Dominion has been swinging election results.

Which is why right wing news networks have recently been tripping over themselves to recant their election fraud allegations. Dominion clearly has the upper hand here.
Assume away.

The networks may have some splainin' to do, but I'm pretty sure the lawyers know how to word things so as to avoid breaking the law.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
Not true. I'll put you down as optimistically hopeful. When Trump wins the next election with the same type of methods I expect the same strong support from you
I'm optimistic the counts are correct, but willing to concede if machines malfunctioned there needs to be an investigation. My contention is that each polling place processes only the registered voters for their district and with 210,000 polling locations for 160,000,000 votes the math doesn't allow for 6000 switched votes.


Well-Known Member
I'm optimistic the counts are correct, but willing to concede if machines malfunctioned there needs to be an investigation. My contention is that each polling place processes only the registered voters for their district and with 210,000 polling locations for 160,000,000 votes the math doesn't allow for 6000 switched votes.
lot of hope in that statement. One county switching that many votes requires a more thorough investigation of all machines.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
lot of hope in that statement. One county switching that many votes requires a more thorough investigation of all machines.
Do you know how many polling locations are in your county? Do you know how many citizens or registered voters per precinct in your county? Have you looked at your county election results? I only asked because counties break it down into such small numbers in order to tabulate in a timely fashion. For example, Fulton Co Georgia had 528,000 people vote across 384 precincts (1375 per precinct) with the largest precinct reporting 1900 votes cast. With each precinct certifying their own results and reporting it to the county, I can't see how that many votes can be manipulated.


Inordinately Right
Do you know how many polling locations are in your county? Do you know how many citizens or registered voters per precinct in your county? Have you looked at your county election results? I only asked because counties break it down into such small numbers in order to tabulate in a timely fashion. For example, Fulton Co Georgia had 528,000 people vote across 384 precincts (1375 per precinct) with the largest precinct reporting 1900 votes cast. With each precinct certifying their own results and reporting it to the county, I can't see how that many votes can be manipulated.
Do you know how many votes were counted at the state farm arena?


Well-Known Member
Do you know how many polling locations are in your county? Do you know how many citizens or registered voters per precinct in your county? Have you looked at your county election results? I only asked because counties break it down into such small numbers in order to tabulate in a timely fashion. For example, Fulton Co Georgia had 528,000 people vote across 384 precincts (1375 per precinct) with the largest precinct reporting 1900 votes cast. With each precinct certifying their own results and reporting it to the county, I can't see how that many votes can be manipulated.

it really does not matter whether you find it believable or not it happened at significant levels in one county. it needs to be thoroughly investigated to ensure it did not happen anywhere else.


Inordinately Right
For example, Fulton Co Georgia had 528,000 people vote across 384 precincts (1375 per precinct) with the largest precinct reporting 1900 votes cast. With each precinct certifying their own results and reporting it to the county, I can't see how that many votes can be manipulated.
Do you know how many votes were counted at the state farm arena?
Yes, 146,997 mail in and 3,537 provisional.
So do you realize how silly your argument is then?

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
So do you realize how silly your argument is then?
No single machine counted more than 606 votes at State Farm Arena. Each precincts' ballots are separated, signature scanned and cross referenced against the precincts voter log. Once tabulated and certified the number is reported to the county election commission and made public. The machines are not zeroed out until the state has certified the entire election. 384 machines were used to tabulate, one for each precinct.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
So Stacey Abrams who lost her election, controls US elections? This is the insanity republicans have to pretend to believe.
No one said that.
What was said is that she got out 900,000 new voters in Georgia (most are alive US citizens).
