2020 Presidential Updates


Staff member
its not an act , lying is not a big deal when its a democratic leader or head of the FBI . If its a republican committing the lying than the electric chair is not good enough.

you act like there is no double standard
Does Trump lie? Be honest.


Inordinately Right
I would be amazed if 95% of jurors in the US weren’t in the same situation. If you find yourself able to do so, you’ll probably agree.
You believe 95% of jurors lie under oath to the court during the jury selection process? You Democraps sure do love your conspiracy theories.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

“A federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit from Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas and several Arizona Republicans seeking to force Vice President Mike Pence to help throw the election to President Donald Trump next week when Congress meets to count the Electoral College votes.”

“Gohmert's suit was part of the desperate and extraordinary GOP attempt to overturn the presidential election using baseless and unproven allegations of mass voter fraud and charging that multiple states that President-elect Joe Biden won illegally changed their voting rules due to the pandemic. Those arguments have failed dozens of times in state and federal courts over the past two months.“


Staff member
You believe 95% of jurors lie under oath to the court during the jury selection process? You Democraps sure do love your conspiracy theories.
Absolutely. Every time they say they are certain they can be “fair and impartial”. That like saying Facebook is a legitimate news source or that Fox News is “fair and balanced”.
Juries are people and people come with all kinds of prejudices and predispositions.


Well-Known Member
"The consequences to the republic for overthrowing a democratic election because you don't like the result -- because you believe that the election was somehow corrupted, when in fact, the evidence shows that it was not. That's an interesting approach. I think it's crazy, frankly."

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO)


Inordinately Right
Absolutely. Every time they say they are certain they can be “fair and impartial”. That like saying Facebook is a legitimate news source or that Fox News is “fair and balanced”.
Juries are people and people come with all kinds of prejudices and predispositions.
Lol, you're trying so hard to dig out of the smile* filled hole you got yourself into. Keep digging homie!


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Absolutely. Every time they say they are certain they can be “fair and impartial”. That like saying Facebook is a legitimate news source or that Fox News is “fair and balanced”.
Juries are people and people come with all kinds of prejudices and predispositions.
Wow man.


Well-Known Member
Let me help an uneducated donald supporter out.

"truth be told the country needs a term where these idiots try to impose their insanity to wake america up."

Truth be told, the country needs a term describing these idiots who try to impose their insanity on America. Wake up!

Was that so difficult?