208 years to Gender Equality


Inordinately Right
I don't have epilepsy, but I feel it coming quickly...
Give in to his light my son, and you will be rewarded with eternal keks.


I'm a star
From the article:

Although women now earn college and graduate degrees at higher rates than men, they remain concentrated in certain majors and, early in their careers, they are often channeled into less lucrative jobs. Men are 70% more likely to be executives than women their same age.
In 2018, there were more Fortune 500 CEOs named James than there were women.


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I read the article. All the author does is present data in a way that implies these things are being done to women, completely out of their control, and outside their abilities to remedy themselves. Exactly the opposite of what Feminism should be arguing. They fail to acknowledge that the odds are stacked against everyone. Some people succeed economically through talent and hard work, some through pure luck, some through more underhanded means, or through some combination thereof.

If women are equal, as the argument goes, they should have no problem claiming that which they have earned. And do so without the need to create a new government bureaucracy to enforce some poorly thought out idea of what equality is.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
There are substantial biological and psychological differences between men and women. Thriving societies work around these differences, thus resulting in "gender roles". When a society tries to work against nature, it inevitably dies. A populace that needs to be artificially supported by another cannot be equal to that one; you cannot elevate women to men's level, only handicap men. Everyone wants to mourn the "pussifcation of America" and ask "where are all the real men" but nobody wants to face the cause.


Never bought my own handtruck
There are substantial biological and psychological differences between men and women. Thriving societies work around these differences, thus resulting in "gender roles". When a society tries to work against nature, it inevitably dies. A populace that needs to be artificially supported by another cannot be equal to that one; you cannot elevate women to men's level, only handicap men. Everyone wants to mourn the "pussifcation of America" and ask "where are all the real men" but nobody wants to face the cause.
This observation coming from a grown man that owns dolls. Lmfao. Good one!