part of a long history of saying some animals are more equal than othersMelinda Gates: Let's not take 208 years to achieve equality for women in America
It'll take 208 years for women to work more OT hours, be as willing to relocate to get a better paying job, massively increase their likelihood of dying on the job, be drafted into frontline infantry, start working multiple jobs when the income from one doesn't cut it, be able to lift and carry 200 lbs, etc, etc... come on ladies, no one's standing in your way but you. Being forced to compete with male athletes is a good start.
It's not enough to simply quote raw data. It is also deceptive, at best, to present it only in a way that supports your ideology. You have to look at why the differences exist. You also need to support women who are perfectly happy simply being mothers and homemakers, not that there's anything simple about it. Guilting women into participating in the workforce on top of having and raising children doesn't help anyone.

lets see here, america used to have only ppl with property being able to vote, blacks counted as 3/5ths of a person, americans are more important than iranian for example, etc etc