Graduated school feb 8. First three days at center, feb 27, 28, and March 1. March 6 was my 1st day alone on the 6 1/2 Route (did in 8 hrs) Ive not worked since March 6. Been told they had to finish safety rides by end of March for all regulars, supervisors backed up and busy. No time to train. I was told one casual who started week before me hasn’t worked and they have one graduating school that they are gonna have to make wait. Told by April should be able to get back on track. Lost drivers to feeders and retirement. Is my 30 days out of 60 working days still counting no matter what? It doesn’t reset right? Feb 27, my first day will stay and they can’t say oh, been a month or three weeks have to start over... just want to make sure there isn’t any loopholes I’m unware of so not screwed over. I was reassured still employed and still going to get me qualified but just still uneasy feeling. if I’m on own on route, the supervisors still spend that much time “training” if I should be getting an 8 hour day by self. I know they check tablets or computer to see how doing. I had a reminder call about an air saver for a business. Other than that no interaction throughout the day. Any insight from past experience would be helpful. Thank alot guys.