You are my hero you SOB.
So now that we got that out of the way people want to talk about unity and sticking together but it's when it benefits them. We had an employee under that great company plan you guys want to keep that had cancer. He didn't file for disability within the 30 day window and his bills were in excess of $100,000 and that fine plan wouldn't pay the bills. He unfortunately passed away leaving his wife and children with those bills. Also under that superior plan his wife and children no longer have benefits under that superior plan because he is dead. It isn't that way under Central States TeamCare. There are several other examples I could bring up.
Way to help out your brothers and sister by wanting to keep that crap.
I like you and respect your opinion but this is bull and needs to stop so we can help some of the other members including the part-time employees you guys say you care about that are getting screw by the great company plan that keeps being discussed here.
When you call me a SOB you don't insult me you insult my mother.
You're quite a man aren't you.
I've learned a long time ago that when someone stoops to name calling they have run out of answers.
It's not my fault that your friend didn't sign up for disability in time although I feel bad for his family and their loss of a Dad and husband.
It is not worth bringing up the real teamcare guidelines for even a wife to continue benefits after the members death and that, as we all know is not written in stone. There are conditions like not using out of network providers for several months prior to the day of death. Not one.
Enough with the arguing and dealing with duck and weave insults. You have lost my respect when you called my mother a bitch.
Game on.