4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man


Well-Known Member
Not disagreeing with this. But the whole reason we have riots and protests and all of this crap going on is the thought that it’s white vs black.

You could take this exact same video and scenario and make it white on white or even flip the rolls of white and black and we wouldn’t have any of this going on.
have a cookie don't think too hard about it.

El Correcto

god is dead
George’s memorial sounds like a fun watch. My grandmother told me what a good guy this George Floyd is and how he is just trying to do the right thing.

The media is really doing this lawyers job, he should split the tax dollars he robs with them.


nowhere special
What I did see in that video is an old geezer charging up on a police line like he was 20 years old. Riot or not that isn't very smart. He wasn't even pushed that hard. He is just to old for that kind of action and the old legs (and head) couldn't take it.

It wasn't much of a push.

Short video but EMT's are already helping the old guy before it ends.


Staff member
George’s memorial sounds like a fun watch. My grandmother told me what a good guy this George Floyd is and how he is just trying to do the right thing.

The media is really doing this lawyers job, he should split the tax dollars he robs with them.
Listen to your elders young man..

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Lawbreaking or exercising his Constitutional right of freedom of speech. Those young thugs in police uniforms should have been protecting his rights instead of knocking him down. I guess it could have been worse, like Tienanmen Square. I guess President Reagan's freedom fighters are trumps terrorist.
The old teetertotter couldn't keep his balance when pushed ... the geezer should have been cheering from a safe distance instead of rushing a marching police line.

I would say give the old fart the Darwin Award but he ain't getting any at his age!

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
What I did see in that video is an old geezer charging up on a police line like he was 20 years old. Riot or not that isn't very smart. He wasn't even pushed that hard. He is just to old for that kind of action and the old legs (and head) couldn't take it.
So ... you wouldn't have done that at your age!


Well-Known Member
I bet that cop woulda did the same thing to a white guy, with a long wrap sheet, forging checks, high on opioids and meth..

its the one assumption that is being made and accepted as fact. that the officer only did what he did because the guy was black. So all these people marching are assuming that while this officer clearly uses this tactic to subdue combative arresstee's he would never do it to a white guy?