4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Why no outcry for this man?

St. Louis police release surveillance video of 7 'persons of interest' in death of retired officer David Dorn

Surveillance footage capturing a group of men breaking into a pawn shop around the same time of the killing of a retired police captain attempting to prevent looting was released by St. Louis authorities Friday.

David Dorn, 77, was found dead from a gunshot to the torso around 2:30 a.m. Prior to working security at the pawn shop, he served as a police captain with the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department and a police chief in nearby Moline Acres. He retired in 2014 after more than 40 years in law enforcement.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Has anybody started a "Go Fund Me" for the 77 year old retired police officer killed recently by looters or does BLM or these boot licking PC celebrities, corporations or organizations do not consider this man's life, his family or friends worth the bother.


Well-Known Member
Has anybody started a "Go Fund Me" for the 77 year old retired police officer killed recently by looters or does BLM or these boot licking PC celebrities, corporations or organizations do not consider this man's life, his family or friends worth the bother.

Jokes on you buddy. Feel free to post your go fund me receipt since you were so concerned...


Staff member
Well, George Floyd has some company, how many more should die?

The 17 people who have died in the protests and riots so far

The widespread riots that have ensued after the killing of George Floyd have not only caused irreparable damage to property, but they've taken the lives of at least 17 Americans.
How many more? As many as it takes. We may have to be stepping over the dead in the street before things change. It is what it is. #paradigmquake


Inordinately Right
Oddly enough, I think this is bigger than Trump. He’s been made to look like a sad little man, a spoiled crybaby begging for attention. He must be furious.
He's taken a stance against rioting and burning down our country.

Extremists have gone out of their way to look like every trope in the book. African American Christians with a job will support Trump because the BLM losers begging for attention embarrass every respectable black person.


Retired 23 years
The old teetertotter couldn't keep his balance when pushed ... the geezer should have been cheering from a safe distance instead of rushing a marching police line.

I would say give the old fart the Darwin Award but he ain't getting any at his age!
His feet appear to be too small for his height which causes one to tip over easily. He is a tall geezer.