4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man


The truth never changes.
Lol....you DO realize the protesters are all races right? You make it seem it’s only black folk out there.

But this problem didn’t just happen two weeks ago...a lot of minorities have tried the passive route...it become more than an inconvenience...it becomes life threatening. And people are tired of it.

I suggested to another poster. When you aren’t on BC, give this a read.
View attachment 298727
You seem to allude to the proposition that you are in the know buddy so why dont you tell us what percentages are black, white, yellow, brown, and none or all of the above?

So all that matters here, substantiating the alleged right to protest was that a non black officer allegedly killed a black man or was it that the officer was WHITE?

Well it's pretty obvious that black skinned people kill each other more than any other race living in the USA today and the trend is getting worse not better.

Police yourselves instead of making the law do it and that would be a relief to everyone living in the free land of the US.


Well-Known Member
It's funny you mention this. all you people trying to change each others minds.

has that ever been done on the brown cafe?

Im honestly just conversing. There's an old saying; "A tree freshly rooted can be pulled up by hand, but give it time and it won't be moved even with a crane."

Course, talking is what a forum is all about. Beats the hell out of us all coming here and just staring at each other



Inordinately Right
The Jews in Germany had the same attitude in the 1930's. I am just glad that you and your kind were not around during the founding of our country.
You're saying the Jews were high on crack cocaine going around beating and robbing pregnant women?

Very antisemitic of you.

George Floyd was a POS.
Now he's dead.
Deal with it.


Well-Known Member

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
It's called the shotgun effect. Open the choke and see what falls...or limps.
I don't know where you are from but when I was growing up in the Deep South, I would hear houses referred to as 'Shotgun Houses' and I did not understand why and then I got someone to explain the term to me.
He explained that a bullet fired through the front door would go right out the backdoor without hitting a wall.
They were actually built like this to take advantage of crosswinds that kept the house cooler with breezes.
Anyway, that's what I always believed.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I don't know where you are from but when I was growing up in the Deep South, I would hear houses referred to as 'Shotgun Houses' and I did not understand why and then I got someone to explain the term to me.
He explained that a bullet fired through the front door would go right out the backdoor without hitting a wall.
They were actually built like this to take advantage of crosswinds that kept the house cooler with breezes.
Anyway, that's what I always believed.
An example of a shotgun house:


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Chicago, since 2015, two thousand five hundred African-Americans have been murdered. Twenty five hundred African-Americans dead in the streets. This past weekend an 18 year old boy just standing there with his girlfriend, shot dead. Has Black Lives Matter said one word about that? Nope. Have there been any protests about it? Nope. Any city council calling for anything? No.
Black Lives Matter but not in Chicago. Why?
Maybe it's because 90 percent of the killers, the shooters, are black.
So this thing is a masquerade, this whole Black Lives Matter deal, this is a fraud being perpetuated. They don't care about black lives. If they did, they'd be screaming in Chicago that something should be done.
BLM.. I hate the Pigs, I hate white people ( especially the successful ones) they are pigs. Talk about rank racism, Nothing missing in the BLMK.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Black Lives Matter but not in Chicago. Why?
Maybe it's because 90 percent of the killers, the shooters, are black.

I am calling bull:censored2:! 90%???

You understand that by making up and numbers to intentionally make an entire race of people look bad is:

The very definition of racism!I


Staff member
You seem to allude to the proposition that you are in the know buddy so why dont you tell us what percentages are black, white, yellow, brown, and none or all of the above?
View attachment 298732 View attachment 298733 View attachment 298734 View attachment 298735

So all that matters here, substantiating the alleged right to protest was that a non black officer allegedly killed a black man or was it that the officer was WHITE?

Well it's pretty obvious that black skinned people kill each other more than any other race living in the USA today and the trend is getting worse not better.

Police yourselves instead of making the law do it and that would be a relief to everyone living in the free land of the US.
What would you say if I told you that in Mexico City Mexico that 98% of all crime was Latino on Latino crime?


Inordinately Right
So you understand that talking “black on black” crime is ridiculous. Good. That’s a start.
It's absolutely ridiculous this has to be explained to you, but here we are.

Maybe if you guys spent more time speaking out against a culture of crime, and a little less time pushing the myth of systemic racism, something could be done about it.
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Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
What would you say if I told you that Mexicans aren't blaming all their problems on white people?

And yet here we are, you blaming everything on the the victums. Race-baiting in an attempt to make yourself better.

It's absolutely ridiculous this has to be explained to you, but here we are.

Maybe if you guys spent more time speaking out against a culture of crime, and a little less time pushing the myth of systemic racism, something could be done about it.
Again, another racist comment! You do it with such frequency how can anyone NOT view you as a racist!!!

"What about this thing over here, what about that thing over there?"

"What ever you do don't look at the officer killing a man over a nine minute period even as the man was begging for his life!"

El Correcto

god is dead
And yet here we are, you blaming everything on the the victums. Race-baiting in an attempt to make yourself better.

Again, another racist comment! You do it with such frequency how can anyone NOT view you as a racist!!!

"What about this thing over here, what about that thing over there?"

"What ever you do don't look at the officer killing a man over a nine minute period even as the man was begging for his life!"
Get it all out lil buddy, there you go, it will be ok. One less criminal in the world and another 4 years with Donald Trump as your president.


Inordinately Right
"What ever you do don't look at the officer killing a man over a nine minute period even as the man was begging for his life!"
Why not, that was the funniest part of the whole thing! Grown ass man who did five years in prison for violent armed robbery, crying for his mommy like a little bitch. LMFAO!