4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Why not, that was the funniest part of the whole thing! Grown ass man who did five years in prison for violent armed robbery, crying for his mommy like a little bitch. LMFAO!View attachment 298856

Do you still consider yourself "not a racist?"


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
After trumps disastrous photo op at the church holding a Bible upside down, even his Evangelical supporters are questioning their commitment come November. They see a false prophet.
Lol. Disastrous only in the lefty media's eyes. Same crew that thought it was great when Bill Clinton did it after he got caught molesting his intern.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Lol. Disastrous only in the lefty media's eyes. Same crew that thought it was great when Bill Clinton did it after he got caught molesting his intern.
A majority of the American voters did not want trump in 2016 and that majority has only grown over the years. I admit he does have his cult like followers who would gladly drink his poison Kool Aide if he ordered it.


Well-Known Member
So you understand that talking “black on black” crime is ridiculous. Good. That’s a start.
The point of noting black on black crime is because certain segments of the Black community would have everyone believe that it's whites killing blacks, especially white cops killing black men. Whites did terrible things to blacks in the past, no doubt about it. But great strides have been made in eliminating that and making life fair for all groups. But that doesn't sell when certain groups are trying to get power. Fear sells. When prominent blacks say they feel like they can be hurt just leaving their house they have been sold on this idea and if they believe it and express it average blacks are going to believe it too.


nowhere special


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
‘I can’t believe I fought to defend you’ Navy SEAL who killed Bin Laden says of rioters

Robert O’Neill, the U.S. Navy SEAL credited with killing Osama Bin Laden, has come out in opposition to riots following the death of a black man, George Floyd, in Minneapolis police custody on May 25.

O’Neill said in a May 30 tweet, “Un. Believable. I cannot believe I fought to defend you.”

“I despise racism, I despise police brutality and it kills me that politically-funded terrorists are doing this on the shoulders of both,” O’Neill said in a later tweet.

“Always wear a mask and keep your social distance. Unless we are all looting. Then we are good,” O’Neill also tweeted in May 30, referencing the rioters’ lack of social distancing and mask-wearing intended to stop the spread of COVID-19.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
“Always wear a mask and keep your social distance. Unless we are all looting. Then we are good,” O’Neill also tweeted in May 30, referencing the rioters’ lack of social distancing and mask-wearing intended to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Our liar in chief #bunkerbeech leads by not wearing a mask and not following social distancing and this guy points out protesters?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage


The truth never changes.
What would you say if I told you that in Mexico City Mexico that 98% of all crime was Latino on Latino crime?
The negro race in the USA is a minority but yet is not the minority when it comes to crime, murders, assaults, and incarceration.
Your point is a Howard Cossell moment. Mastering the obvious but not hitting the mark.