4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man


Staff member
The point of noting black on black crime is because certain segments of the Black community would have everyone believe that it's whites killing blacks, especially white cops killing black men. Whites did terrible things to blacks in the past, no doubt about it. But great strides have been made in eliminating that and making life fair for all groups. But that doesn't sell when certain groups are trying to get power. Fear sells. When prominent blacks say they feel like they can be hurt just leaving their house they have been sold on this idea and if they believe it and express it average blacks are going to believe it too.
Nope. You’re dead wrong. It’s real. Had an officer go straight for his gun about 30 years ago. I’d been walking through the neighborhood chasing down the dog that be
The negro race in the USA is a minority but yet is not the minority when it comes to crime, murders, assaults, and incarceration.
Your point is a Howard Cossell moment. Mastering the obvious but not hitting the mark.
nah. Victims are of opportunity.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I busted out laughing when I saw those dingbats on TV yesterday, SMH

View attachment 298941
Although a terrible job of Photoshopping, this was quite funny.


Well-Known Member
Nope. You’re dead wrong. It’s real. Had an officer go straight for his gun about 30 years ago. I’d been walking through the neighborhood chasing down the dog that be

nah. Victims are of opportunity.
About 30 years ago was delivering USA Today in a black neighborhood in Memphis at 0530. Had a white officer block me, jump out of his car and go for his gun before he realized what I was doing. Said a white guy in that neighborhood at that time of morning was highly suspicious. About 20 years ago was out walking my dog in an almost all white neighborhood. Had just moved in and had been doing that for a few days. One man came out with his arms folded, pistol prominently displayed, watching me. A couple nights later a deputy sheriff came up alongside and starting questioning me about some pickup truck down the street. A few years later in a city on the border I was walking from my apartment to a restaurant about 9 p.m. when stopped by a cop who ran my ID. You think it's because of your race. To some extent it may be but more than likely it's something out of the ordinary for a cop who decides to investigate. If you had driven through that neighborhood you most likely wouldn't have been stopped. Yes it's insulting to have someone question your right to be anywhere but I wonder how many break-ins, how many kidnappings of children, were thwarted because cops were vigilant? The price we pay for safety. Stop-and-frisk under Giuliani and Bloomberg was deemed racist and stopped. But thousands of guns and criminals were removed and NYC became one of the safest big cities in the country. How many black lives were saved because of that program? I think the inner cities biggest problem isn't cops. It's poorly educated kids who turn to crime because they can't compete for decent jobs. And thus the constant struggle between them and authorities.


Well-Known Member
Nope. You’re dead wrong. It’s real. Had an officer go straight for his gun about 30 years ago. I’d been walking through the neighborhood chasing down the dog that be

nah. Victims are of opportunity.

If that's your biggest complaint in a lifetime as a black man, i'll go ahead and call us done.

Mission accomplished.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I am calling bull:censored2:! 90%???

You understand that by making up and numbers to intentionally make an entire race of people look bad is:

The very definition of racism!I
Source: BillO'Reilly.com

Never call bulls:censored2:t with me. I quote them even when I don't like em. Unlike the crowd you run with.


Retired 23 years
@cheryl -----All these posts with attachments would be so much better if the actual video showed up at the same time. That was half the fun of trying to catch up on what was happening on the BC. Just scrolling through the gifs and videos and not having to read every post.


I started this.
Staff member
@cheryl -----All these posts with attachments would be so much better if the actual video showed up at the same time. That was half the fun of trying to catch up on what was happening on the BC. Just scrolling through the gifs and videos and not having to read every post.
That's not built into this version. I'd probably have to buy an addon or hire someone to change it up. There's probably a reason that the developer decided not to build that into this new version. I'd have to look into that. Maybe bandwidth? Maybe search engine related? Those are just guesses. I'll look into it.


Retired 23 years
That's not built into this version. I'd probably have to buy an addon or hire someone to change it up. There's probably a reason that the developer decided not to build that into this new version. I'd have to look into that. Maybe bandwidth? Maybe search engine related? Those are just guesses. I'll look into it.
Thanks for a reasonable answer and not some snarky comment like @542thruNthru would come back with. I will now "try" to quit complaining about this new setup and learn to live with it-------------------but no guarantees. :-)