4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man


Well-Known Member
I think the fact that cops keep killing black men gives them a legitimate fear for their life if they get taken into custody. Exactly where did the cops think he was going to run off to? Did they need to kill him?
Cops kill more whites than blacks and most of the blacks(and whites) they killed were armed. Please stop pushing a false narrative.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Cops kill more whites than blacks and most of the blacks(and whites) they killed were armed. Please stop pushing a false narrative.
Some of us think cops shouldn’t be killing anyone willy nilly, just because they kill more white people doesn’t really change that. There’s a lot more white people in this country, using raw totals doesn’t address the disproportionate effect on black people.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
they should have shot him the minute he started resisting arrest. what is this new found logic that blacks think they are allowed to resist arrest and endanger a cops life.

The "new found logic" is the proof that once handcuffed they might get a knee to the neck until dead.t

Your white privilege can't comprehend!


Well-Known Member
Some of us think cops shouldn’t be killing anyone willy nilly, just because they kill more white people doesn’t really change that. There’s a lot more white people in this country, using raw totals doesn’t address the disproportionate effect on black people.
If there wasn't a disproportionate amount of crime committed by blacks. And it's not willy nilly silly.


Well-Known Member
If there wasn't a disproportionate justice system, resources in education, training and employment.
Please tell me why in cities like Baltimore and Washington $18k-$20k per student annually is spent and kids can't pass basic math tests? Someone is failing those kids and those someone's are Democrat leadership in those cities for decades.
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Well-Known Member
Please tell me in cities like Baltimore and Washington $18k-$20k per student annually is spent and kids can't pass basic math tests? Someone is failing those kids and those someone's are Democrat leadership in those cities for decades.
More $ is spent per child in white majority districts than black majority districts. Fact.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
If there wasn't a disproportionate justice system, resources in education, training and employment.
Bulls:censored2:t..I'm so tired of hearing that s:censored2:t.
Minorities have been given the frickin moon for 50 years by the U. S. government.
The proverb holds true. Wash a hog and it will go right back to the pigpen.
Get off your ass and quityerbitchin. Obey the law. Stop being a dumds:censored2:t. Get a job. When you cry like you do, you sound so pussyfied.
Fact: I had to wait 2 years to make seniority because they needed to hire a black man ( you know, quota filler). So he had a year seniority on me. It was ok, fired him for stealing 3 years later.

Take your hits with the cards you have been dealt. The world is unfair Tupac.
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