4 Minneapolis officers fired in death of black man


Well-Known Member
I have found from past experiences that they usually don't start listening to you until they get to be about 26-27.
She's 27 and knows everything. She heard last year about water shortages in some third world countries in the future. Asked me what bottled water companies should she invest in. Told her that during shortages tankers would deliver water, that those people can't afford bottled water. Got the eyeroll and head shake.


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Lying again?

Read the news! I am so tired of ignorant, WWE fanboys always wanting to be spoon feed what they should think. For the love of God think for your damn self!

His blood alcohol was over the legal limit but not way above. He was asleep for other reasons. Tired from working too many hours? Or drugs in his system? Place your bets on which it was.

It's been less than 48 hours and they've already released the toxicology report?? Please l'm calling bull:censored2:!

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Read the news! I am so tired of ignorant, WWE fanboys always wanting to be spoon feed what they should think. For the love of God think for your damn self!

It's been less than 48 hours and they've already released the toxicology report?? Please l'm calling bull:censored2:!
He failed a sobriety test.
And you would too based on your posts on here! :beerhat:

PS: I'll try to post emojis so you can see what they look like!


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!
Obviously you have never been trained to shoot a pistol!
The training is that if you are shooting at a person that is a threat to you, shoot three times.
I practice all the time and I always pull the trigger three times ... it takes less than a half second.

Nope, never had trying so I'm going to have to research this one!

He failed a sobriety test.
And you would too based on your posts on here! :beerhat:

PS: I'll try to post emojis so you can see what they look like!

He failed a field sobriety test, which in these parts is a subjective test based on the opinion of an officer who's "subjective" thought process decided a man should die by being shot in the back!
See where this leads?


nowhere special
Nope, never had trying so I'm going to have to research this one!

He failed a field sobriety test, which in these parts is a subjective test based on the opinion of an officer who's "subjective" thought process decided a man should die by being shot in the back!
See where this leads?

The officers administer several field sobriety tests, and the bodycam image clearly shows a breathalyzer registers a blood alcohol level of .108. The legal limit is .08.

a breathalyzer isn't "subjective"

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
The officers administer several field sobriety tests, and the bodycam image clearly shows a breathalyzer registers a blood alcohol level of .108. The legal limit is .08.
Damn! That mother must be a high level alcoholic.
He was functioning pretty well to have a BL that high!
That heifer was at least 320 pounds ... that means 6 - 7 ounces of alcohol in the last hour!
No wonder he passed out.

40 or higher can cause death.
Most people begin to feel relaxed, sociable and talkative when BAC reaches 0.04. ... A 160-pound man would have a BAC of 0.30 by consuming 11 drinks in an hour.
A standard drink is considered 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine


Well-Known Member
They should be trained to shoot as a last resort, this cop had other options.

the cop that stops to weigh his options is the one who's funeral you'll see tomorrow

the question that none of you liberals will ever ask is why are so many black men resisting arrest. This guy was sitting in his car asleep. where did he possibly think he was going to run off too.


Well-Known Member
If 2 cops can’t control a dude that was passed out drunk without killing him, there’s a lack of training, general competence or just basic disregard for human life.

they should have shot him the minute he started resisting arrest. what is this new found logic that blacks think they are allowed to resist arrest and endanger a cops life.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
the cop that stops to weigh his options is the one who's funeral you'll see tomorrow

the question that none of you liberals will ever ask is why are so many black men resisting arrest. This guy was sitting in his car asleep. where did he possibly think he was going to run off too.
I think the fact that cops keep killing black men gives them a legitimate fear for their life if they get taken into custody. Exactly where did the cops think he was going to run off to? Did they need to kill him?


Well-Known Member
I think the fact that cops keep killing black men gives them a legitimate fear for their life if they get taken into custody. Exactly where did the cops think he was going to run off to? Did they need to kill him?

No need to think they did until the perp pointed a gun at the cop. Unfortunately the cop didnt have the luxury of being able to study the film and determine the threat . he had a split second to decide and he decided he would live .

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
