Although he'll never say it or do anything to suggest it but Ron Paul has to be smiling a little this morning with some level of vindication.
As to the "Tea Party is Dead" comment. I don't think so at all. It may be dead to some degree as an apparatus of the GOP and that's a good thing but if I were you TOS, I'd be a lot more worried now about that fact. More and more people are waking up to the false dilemma of the 2 party state but as a result, some of these people are asking questions, reading but more important realizing the need for such a heavy handed, top down monolith really doesn't exist other than as a fiction and illusion. The exciting part to me but frightening to you is that these people are both from the political right and political left yet reaching the same conclusions but in the course of time finding each other and beginning to talk. I've seen it first hand
here in Georgia and even been apart of these conversations and discussions.
Other issues has arisen where some factions of the Tea Party has split from the conventional mantra and on the grounds of not growing gov't power or moving power upwards away from local control. So to say that the Tea Party is dead may be true in the sense that it's an apparatus of the GOP and/or Kochtopus controlled but dead? Not hardly!