705 and 710 forced to accept contract.


Well-Known Member
Heck yeah, I am happy. Especially with all of the talk about the wording of the contract giving under $15/hr employees nothing. Mine is close to $1500 after taxes.


Well-Known Member
So here’s mine. I need answers!!! I’m a driver in progression. Was at $19.5 and went up to $24. So why isn’t my retro rate a straight $4.5 and OT $7 difference?
Why is there all these different lower rates and pretty much all my hrs charged at $3.5???


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Just wondering what did other package handlers make on their retro check im trying to compare. Somehow I made $602 and with taxes only made $466. How in the hell is that possible? I guess all that overtime during peak season didn’t help :(


It should be on there. Check under your view your paycheck tab and it should open up a window with tons of dates. Than just click on the first one, Being the most recent one, but I think it’s based upon what local you are I’m not too sure.