Bite your tongue, Missy
You are such an asset to this forum.
You are such an asset to this forum.
Juan is a bottomfeeder![
I think you need to look up the meaning of "at will employee".
Ooops, 'at will employment'. Period! As a former Manager, (for local restaurants), I KNOW WHAT IS ENTAILED IN IN ALL APPLICATIONS FOR EMPLOYMENT! Required by law. Period!
Any employee, whether union or at will, can walk away at any moment without recourse; however, only an at will employee can be terminated without just cause. Union employees have protections which go far beyond those of an at will employee.
Perfect response to your name, raise them all in and see where the cards fallI don't expect much to come from the negotiations. I am sure that the contract we overwhelmingly voted down will be forced on us at 710 and probably the same for 705.
I wish we had a few gamblers on the negotiating team. We are a month from Christmas, UPS stock is at $107 and we can't fill the job openings we have now. I know I have bluffed with worse hands.
Try to get us something in exchange for what we are giving up with Teamcare and the increased retiree premiums.
Here is a question off topic the contract. Its about our current insurance in 710.
Does anybody know if our prescription plan covers oral E.D. treatment?
You don't care for the soft noodle feeling in your mouth?
Was meant to be a serious question about OUR insurance. You know, the good insurance that YOU elected not to have.
That's why I asked in the 705/710 thread so people who actually would have knowledge could see it and maybe help out.
Anyways, your disgusting.
Did the adhesive taste vaguely of kiwi to you?Got my ballot in the mail today.
What, specifically, do you think is so bad about it?Vote no for 705 its thetiest contract i ever saw!
What, specifically, do you think is so bad about it?