8.6 to 8.2 planned day update


Well-Known Member
This will be interesting to watch play out.....where I live the problem isn’t living beyond your means it’s just living. If there were no more OT allowed, my belief is that over 80% of the drivers would be in financial trouble. Not speculation....just the truth. I know we bitch about excessive overtime but it’s a necessary evil in my neck of the woods. Sucks.....but true nonetheless.
Same here... the AVERAGE price of a 1800 sq house with a little stone on the outside and hardwoods/granite is 500k.... a 2 bedroom basic apt is running 1500 a month, minimum....


Well-Known Member
I’m in an 8 belt building. Our issue is that the time allowances are so screwed up that I need a 6.2 hour plan to make 8.5
You would think it has gotten to a point where even the higher up would call out IE on these totally bogus numbers and they would start adjusting things.... this company is run by smoke and mirrors....it’s a joke....


I'm a star
But if you ask the scrub mgt locally they think they are the ones that make it all happen....ummmm, I don’t think so

We have to let them keep thinking that, it's part of the overall strategy. If they realized what an obstacle they actually were, their inferiority complex might cause them to become an even bigger obstacle.
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wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
You would think it has gotten to a point where even the higher up would call out IE on these totally bogus numbers and they would start adjusting things.... this company is run by smoke and mirrors....it’s a joke....
Agreed. I think they know the true numbers. Nobody says boo to me when I’m 1.99 or less now. When I’m health over 2 is when they question me. My response is always, “I don’t know your system. Can you have IE come so we can discuss this UPS issue?”


Well-Known Member
Agreed. I think they know the true numbers. Nobody says boo to me when I’m 1.99 or less now. When I’m health over 2 is when they question me. My response is always, “I don’t know your system. Can you have IE come so we can discuss this UPS issue?”
Lol....it’s a scam... they can’t tell you how long things take ....but they expect you to beat a ambiguous system....


Well-Known Member
Tell them, No accidents, no injuries, everything sheeted, so whats the problem? safety before production. Remember, numbers are their problem,getting the boxes delivered is ours.


They have significantly cut hours here. Some don't even get 8 hours. Only the ones with UPS store/late pickups are getting overtime.
So they’re sending out drivers with 6 to 7 hour dispatches? Not many here are less than 2 over any day of the week. I’m still getting 45 to 50.


IE boogeyman
We’ve already been told RDO is back for peak, all you have to do now is go to dispatch screen after preload is wrapped. click it off, get edd(RDO) and then turn it back on before you leave building.
yah i’m sure the dispatchers will be cool with that on 90+ routes every day


Well-Known Member
We are dispatched with 7.5 and we are 8 hrs to 8.5 hrs. Some are comming in under 8 and mgmt is ok with that. They are really pushing to get all drivers under 9.5. On any given day they are putting in 5 to 10 routes. How long will that last? Until the results of the vote are announced? Until Nov. 1st? We'll see.


Gravy route
You guys realize this is only to pass the contract...Don't you?

In November, December, and 2 weeks into January I know I will be forced to work 13-14 hour days just like the last two years.

If they had no intention of continuing the 70 hour weeks for future peak seasons the company would have given in during negotiations and made all overtime over 60 hours optional.
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Well-Known Member
Enjoy it while you can. You are correct, right before a contract everything is calm and mgmt is easy to get along with. As soon as the contract passes, stops go up and they no longer care what you want. Mgmt will just want you crank out the stops and get back.
I see UPS heading in a different direction. The hybrid drivers will be delivering YOUR air and businesses then changing your start time to 11am. You will be delivering residentials, doing pick ups finishing at 7pm. That's 8 hours no ot.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
yah i’m sure the dispatchers will be cool with that on 90+ routes every day
Given that the alternative will be for every one of those 90+ routes to bring missed stops back that have to be re-dispatched the following day, I would think that the dispatcher would much prefer to solve the problem with a few mouse clicks.